Chapter 17: The Deadly Dance, Part 2

Depuis le début

I turn my head, now emitting sparks of negative electricity, towards a very distinct, and very familiar, hospital...


"He's just sitting there." I say, watching our adversary, sharpening his blade.

"Menacingly." Kai adds.

"He's been wanting this for a long time." Cato says.

"So, let's give it to him." I growl.

"Though, knowing him, and everything you've been through in these past couple weeks, it's only the beginning." Cato replies, shaking his head in contemplation.

I turn to him.

"Even if we Deform him or his other Demons today, they'll be back. They always are. When we enter another universe, we must follow the Code."

"The Code?"

"'If you are to enter a new world, and the world is worthy of being saved, Exodus from which must not occur until the world has been sufficiently prepared for ulterior threats.'" Kai says.

I only turn my head at this in confusion.

Throughout the limited information I've been given, this is the first time I've heard of this.

Cato speaks up, and I turn back to him.

"Basically, unless we teach the inhabitants the ways of the Kin, and teach them how to Ascend, as well as defend themselves..."

"We can't leave..."

"Kind of. Just not permanently. We can somewhat come and go as we please, technically. But leaving to tend another universe or other matters is known a form of Exodus." Cato elaborates. "I've done so before, and it's more of a formal guideline, but it is ethical and moral at the least. No one wants to be left alone to fend for themselves against a more overwhelming force. Even if we wanted to, we just can't."

"True." I say, nodding.

"It's the reason why if we're in another world already, we can't depart to help until our mission is done." Kai adds. "Cato had some troubles a while ago but I wasn't able to directly aid him. Though I was able to send him a little support drop, if you catch my drift."

"I still can't thank you enough for that, impeccable timing on your part..." My angelic friend says.

"Welcome. It's my thing." Kai finishes.

I look back to Lee, still waiting.

The things he's been trying, and some succeeding, to put my family through.

"Okay, we've procrastinated long enough." Kai says, spinning his halberd.

"Here we go." Cato says, brandishing his giant sword.

He holds up his fist to me, as does Kai.

I return the faithful gesture with fist bumping the two of them.

We soon walk slowly, and methodically to our adversary. Not in unison, but all at our own steps, yet somehow we're as one, uniting against the force dedicated to eradicating us and everything around us.

Lee had gone back to sharpening his sword, the sound of the whetstone against metal still grinds against my ear even with him being a slight distance away.

When we're about half a house's length from him, he stops, and looks up to us.

Cato and Kai walk around him to flank him, though he seems unsurprised.

"Ah, Disney, a multibillion multimedia corporate conglomerate dedicated to giving magic to the young and exciting their imagination. Or at least that's what they sell to the public. You see what they've been doing nowadays? Can't even believe this is where you ended up." Lee says, his low, electronic voice vibrating the atmosphere as he observes the area.

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