Chapter 11: The Second Duel

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(Okay, I know I said that I'd release this chapter soon after the previous one, though I have a legitimate excuse this time. School has been on my arse for a while now, and I've been having to focus to keep up. As unfortunately, this leaves me with less time than I'd like to be able to work on this, regardless, I still apologize for it. However, I decided to grow a pair and push through for you guys. You are, indeed, what motivate me to create this. It is with this, that I hope you leave a vote, comment, and maybe even a  follow while you're at it! So stay smart, be greater, stay awesome, and ENJOY!!!)

Previously on 101 Dalmatian Street: A Deity among Dalmatians.

"HEADS UP!!" I shove Dolly and Roxy out of the way and backwards-somersault dodge as the Demon SLAMS into the ground, leaving a giant crater where they were just standing...

"How precious..." The Demon nonchalantly says with the signature electronic voice, this one sounding older and probably more experienced than the previous one. As evidenced by it being bigger and feeling more muscular.

"GET INSIDE!!" I shout, they all obey.
In a few seconds, I witness Dolly slamming and locking the door, seeing her worried face all the while. I quickly sense everyone else as well go back in their respective homes, soon leaving me alone with my opponent.

I just made amends with Dolly, I'm not going to risk losing her now!

I look down at my opponent, in its glorious white trench coat.

And I'm going to avoid that fate by taking down this bastard...


While on the ground, the Demon kicks me in the back of my knee, causing it to fumble and he flips me over, grabbing me by the back of the neck and flinging me ALL THE WAY BACK to near where we were initially. I manage to land on my feet, sliding to a stop as I watch him slowly approach me from where we were, almost like he's daring me to make a move.

Now alone with it, I can see that this Demon perfectly fits the description Roxy gave me, though even then it's more like she was sugarcoating the whole nature of this creature. It's similar to the other one I defeated, but this one is definitely stronger, considering how it's already shown to keep up with me. It's exactly my height. Its energy seems to be focused near its forearms, hands, shins, and feet, signified by those glowing gloves and boots. Whereas the other one was just strong all around in different areas, this one is more intense, but focused on those limbs. This one must be more suited to hand-to-hand combat, something I've been using almost all the time since I've been here.

Is it this guy's specialty to go up against someone like me?

"Well, compared to the last guy, someone likes their dramatic entrances." I angrily and sarcastically say.

"Big and loud, as I like to believe." The Demon says.

"Here to avenge your friend, I'm guessing?" I ask this new Demon.

"Oh, you merely gave that Scout a good time. He rather enjoyed the whole experience." The Demon with the signature electronic voice says.
So Demons have names, huh? And is he saying that he's somehow still alive? I specifically remember him turning to dust.

"The Scout...didn't know you guys had names now..." I say, giving my best poker face.

"Oh, we all do. Mine's Striker..." The Demon named Striker says.

"Guessing you're more of a beat-em-up style?" I ask. "It's likely, since you nearly turned my friends into pavement paste..."

"Well, it's more beat-the-life-out-of-you-and-enjoy-the-whole-thing. Though to be honest I didn't expect you to be so worked up about this. You sent everyone home to protect them, cute." Striker says with a sadistic chuckle at the end.

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