Chapter Six

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Hagrid led the first years to a professor who introduced herself as McGonagall, head of Gryffindor house. They gathered in the Great Hall where all the other students sat. There were four long tables in the hall, and at each sat a different house. And there was what looked to be a thousand floating candles lit above the tables. Heather looked past the candles to the ceiling or rather the night sky. Heather had read about this, the ceiling at Hogwarts was bewitched to look like the sky outside.

At the front, Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and the hall fell silent. On a little stool, she placed an old hat. It was very dirty.

"The Sorting Ceremony will now begin. When I call your name, have a seat on the stool and the hat will sort you." McGonagall announced.

McGonagall then went through a list of names. Heather only paid attention to those who were familiar.

"Hermione Granger." McGonagall called out.

Hermione suddenly appeared very nervous. She slowly walked up and sat on the stool. The hat was then placed on her head. It just say there a minute, then called out, "Gryffindor!"

The hall erupted in cheers. Hermione broke out in large smile and ran off to what Heather figured was Gryffindor table.

"Draco Malfoy."

As the blonde boy strode confidently up to the stool, Heather thought he looked a bit familiar.

The hat hadn't even touched his head when it shouted out, "Slytherin!"

There it was! He was the nasty boy from Madam Malkin's shop!

"Theodore Nott."

Theo! Heather was excited to see what house he was in. She hoped they could become friends.


Oh. That didn't make sense. Theo didn't seem anything like Draco. Why was he in Slytherin.

"Harry Potter."

The Great Hall went pin-drop quiet as Harry walked on stage. Heather was fairly certain what house Harry would end up in. The hat took an awfully long time deciding on a house for Harry. She could see just how nervous her brother was. Then the hat yelled, "Gryffindor!"

Harry grinned and gave Heather a thumbs up as he passed her on his way to Gryffindor table.

"Heather Potter."

Heather sat on the stool and McGonagall placed the hat on top of her head.

"Another Potter on the same day, you don't see that too often." Said a voice in her head.

Heather quickly figured out it must belong to the Sorting Hat.

"You're clever, Ms. Potter, very clever. You'd do well in Slytherin house. Slytherin could bring out the best in you. All that knowledge and survival instincts. Yes, Slytherin would be a wonderful fit. What do you think?"

"I've been told Slytherin is a house that only bad witches and wizards are sorted into." Heather thought.

"Not so quick, your thoughts are conflicted. You try to believe what others have said but you doubt it as well. You think that the others are wrong and if you are sorted into Slytherin, you will see their true selves."

Heather considered this for a second. There had to have been a Slytherin who hasn't gone bad. She could prove to everyone that Slytherin house isn't bad.

"Yes," thought Heather. "I'd like that very much."

"As you wish."

Heather heard the Sorting Hat yell, "Slytherin!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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