Zed held Addison's hand and ran his fingers through her hair as he tried to keep her calm. He knew she was in pain and it killed him that he couldn't make it better.

"Agz zrea (We're here)." Bonzo told them, pulling up in front of the hospital.

Bonzo jumped out of the car and got Zed's chair for him before rushing back to the other side for Addison. He opened the door to help her out but Addy shook her head.

"I can't Bonzo. It hurts to much." Addison whimpered.

Zed had already wheeled himself up onto the sidewalk. "What's going on?"

Bonzo didn't respond. Instead, he picked Addison up bridal style and lifted her out of the car. Bonzo kicked the door closed then ran for the doors of the hospital.

"Grogz ga (Let's go)!" Bonzo called over his shoulder.

Zed rolled after him as Bonzo rushed to the front desk and tried his best to explain what was going on.

"Baby now. Need help." Bonzo told the nurse. "Greez. No, please. Please."

The nurse got up and brought a wheelchair around. Bonzo gently placed Addison in the chair before backing away so Zed could get through.

"I'm her husband." Zed explained. "I'm staying with her."

The nurse nodded. "Then follow me, quickly."

The nurse took off with Addison as Zed turned to Bonzo. "Thanks for the help buddy. Do you mind calling everyone and letting them know?"

Bonzo grinned. "Ag zet ig (You got it)."

"Thanks man. I owe you." Zed grinned before taking off after Addison.

The nurse wheeled Addison back to a room and helped her into a bed. Once she was settled the nurse walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a hospital gown. "We need to get this on you."

"I can't." Addison cried. "It hurts. I-I can't. Aaaaaahhhh!"

The nurse ran to the door and called out for someone to page the doctor before returning to her side. "Alright dear, I'm going to help you change. The doctor will be in soon"

Addison nodded and sat on the edge of the bed as the nurse helped he out of her clothes and into the gown. Addison laid back on the bed and the nurse moved to the end of the bed to place her clothes in a bag.

Zed took the opportunity and wheeled himself up to her bedside. "Is it getting worse?"

Addison nodded, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. It was all she could do to keep herself from screaming.

Zed brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "You're doing great Addy. You're so strong. I'm going to be right here the whole time."

Addison nodded as a loud moan escaped her lips.

"Sounds like we're having a baby in here."

Dr. Baker entered the room with a smile, making her way to Addison's side.

"So how are we doing in here?"

Addison groaned. "I need to push."

Dr. Baker nodded, slipping on a pair of gloves. "Well let's see how dialated you are then we'll decide if it's time to push."

Two nurses came forward and held Addison's legs as Dr. Baker checked her over. When the doctor looked down, her eyes widened. "I need a bassinet and delivery kit stat. This baby is coming now!"

Nurses flooded in from the hallway, scrambling to prepare the necessary materials as the doctor prepped for delivery.

Tears pooled in Addison's eyes. "Zed, I'm scared."

"Everything is fine Addy." Zed reasured her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze before turning to the doctor. "How are things looking doc?"

"Everything looks fine." Dr. Baker replied. "It looks like we'll be having a baby very soon. She's already crowning and may I say she has a head full of hair."

Zed laughed. "Hear that Addy? She's got a head full of hair. Must've got it from me."

Addison stuck her tongue out at him before crying out as another contraction hit.

"Alright Addison." Dr. Baker said. "On the next contraction give me a big push."

Addison nodded laying back against her pillows. As soon as she felt the pain go through her, she squeezed Zed's hand and pushed.


"Great job! The head is out!" Dr. Baker praised. "One more big push and you can meet your baby."

Zed kissed Addison's hand. "One more Addy, you can do this. She's almost here."

The next contraction hit and Addison pushed hard. Suddenly, the pressure vanished and Addison fell back against her pillows as a loud wail echoed through the room.

"She's here!" Dr. Baker smiled, laying the screaming baby on Addison's chest. "Dad, do you want to cut the cord?"

Zed nodded, taking the forceps from her hand. Dr. Baker guided him to the proper place and he cut the cord. Things moved quickly after that as one of the nurses scooped up the baby and whisked her away to get cleaned up and measured.

"You did it Addy." Zed smiled, listening to the cries of their daughter. It was the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. "She's here. Kenzie's here."

Dr. Baker finished cleaning up from the delivery as a nurse walked over carrying a small, pink bundle.

"She's 6 pounds 4 ounces, 18.5 inches long." The nurse smiled, placing the baby in Addison's arms. "A beautiful, healthy baby girl. Congratulations."

The nurse lowered the bed so Zed could better reach his wife and daughter before leaving the new family alone.

"Welcome to the world Kenzie." Addison smiled, tears in her eyes. "I feel like I've waited so long to meet you."

Zed held out his finger and little Kenzie gripped it tight. "She's beautiful. Just like her mama."

Addison laughed. "And she has her daddy's hair. Look at that wild green mess."

"Hey." Zed chuckled. "She just went through alot to get here. Once it gets tamed it won't be so bad."

"Says the man who's signature look is 'Ode to bedhead'." Addison teased.

Zed rolled his eyes but smiled as he ran his thumb over the back of Kenzie's tiny hand. None of it mattered anyway, their daughter was perfect in his eyes.

"You want to hold her?" Addison asked.

"Yes please." Zed nodded.

Addison handed the baby to Zed. He cradled Kenzie gently, admiring the tiny bundle in his arms. Zed couldn't help the tears that pooled in his eyes as he stared lovingly at his daughter. To think he almost missed this.

Author's Note

It's late, but it's still Friday so I am on time lol.


Zombies 6Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora