Rescuing Prehistoric & Mountain Dragons

Start from the beginning

Becca: good luck Lincoln Sid.....

Lincoln: we will Mrs Chang

Becca: and be safe!

Sid: we will mom
*Lincoln & Sid enter the portal*

(Universe: Dragons a fantasy made real

Coordinates: Montana

Time: Late Cretaceous.66,000,000 BC)

Narrator: the Cretaceous period.....a time when the world was ruled by the most fearsome predator that ever walked the earth.....

*we see a T.Rex walking up a hill*

Narrator: Tyrannosaurus Rex

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Narrator: Tyrannosaurus Rex.......The T.Rex has been forced to this remote place from his usual hunting ground.....something has been raiding his territory and food has become scarce.....he hasn't eaten for days

*A portal opens up as Sid and Lincoln appear*

Lincoln: okay Sid I think we've reached their destination..... *sees the T.rex* yep we're definitely here I see a Tyrannosaurus

Sid: that's a good sign

Lincoln: I wonder where it's going?

*They see a figure in the distance as the T.Rex is heading towards it*

Lincoln: what is that thing the T.Rex is after?

Sid: let me check *she gets binoculars and discovers the figure is a dragon but not just any dragon the Prehistoric Dragon the first dragon species they need to rescue* it's a prehistoric dragon a juvenile male

Narrator: at last a potential kill.....but the T.Rex is cautious he has never seen a creature like this before

*The Juvenile prehistoric dragon turns around as it sees the T.Rex and it screeches*

Prehistoric dragon: *Screeching*

Prehistoric dragon: *Screeching*

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