Kamen Rider Deku Episode 1

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(Y/n):Filler or Not,My Hero Academia Is A learning Opportunity to see What our world would Be like with A World Dominated with Superpowers.

Izuku:Yeah,Our world is Crazy.

N.G:In My Opinion,It Would Make Things Worse.

The two turn to their Other Friend And Look Annoyed but sigh as they Know That's just How He is.


Meanwhile,A Dark Portal opened and Out came A few Villains And Monsters And a Dark Rider,they All Looked Ready To Destroy As the Dark Rider Spoke.

Dark rider:If you wish to destroy this World..........

He finally Stepped Out to Show Who he is and Reveal What he looks Like.

He finally Stepped Out to Show Who he is and Reveal What he looks Like

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Akko:He just Looks Evil!

Dark Rider:send some Of the Nomus Off to destroy as Well.

The Villains nod and split up as Well as Send A Nomu out To Destory the City and Gather More Power For them.

The Nomu Leaves And Heads to the City while Back with Our Cast,They kept talking about Manga and Anime Until they Tripped Over Something And Saw A Case.

Circuit(Sarcastic):Oh Yeah Like This Isn't Suspicious At all.

(C/n) & Annabelle:Can you shut up,Please?

The Three Friends looked at One Another before Grabbing The Case And Heading Back to the Classroom and Open It Only to find a Video.

Izuku(Video):My Name Is Izuku Midoriya,If you're Watching This Than that Means We failed and Have Sent this to you as A Failsafe as A way For Someone To do what We Failed to do And that's protect Those who can't protect themselves,In this Case are Two types of Devices Called  "Quirk Changers" And The "Hero Drivers",I Know This May Seem Unbelievable But The Villains Have Taken Over Our World And Their Coming For Yours,You are the Your World's Last Hope,You Are The New Deku,You Are The Kamen Rider Who will bring a bright Future.

The Video Cut out as It Went To Static As the three Watched with shocked Faces.

Izuku:T-the villains Won?We Failed?


Kirishima:Still......Do you think it's like that Nine Guy or Something?

Kaminari:Probably Worse,If it's The end of the World.

All Might:'Please Let me be wrong but It's You Isn't.........All For One?'

The Three Didn't know What To Say But N.G just Said this.....

N.G:Well,That Must Have Been A prank because C'mon,We All Seen The My Hero Academia Anime And It Doesn't Talk About ANYTHING Like that and Seriously,This Really Sounds Like Some Anime Cliche.

The Y/N Multiverse(Real World Reader) 2:Multiple MultiversesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora