The Crater

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I awake on a cage on a ship headed to who knows where. I groan as I sit up, clutching my head. I look at my surroundings, I was in a cage in the hanger of a slave ship, there were more lining the walls. The cage on my left was empty, while the cage on my right had the Jedi Obi-Wan in it. He was staring at me and I realized I was no longer wearing my slave cloak. I brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." he murmured "it's fine I'm used to it." I whisper in return, his eyes had sorrow in them at though's words "Where are you from, child?" he asked "Shili." I replied "how long have you been a slave?" I looked him in the eyes "I have been a slave sense I was six, it has been eleven years." I muttered "eleven years!" he was shocked "what is your name child?" "I think you know who I am." I said looking at my feet "are you Ahsoka's sister, the one we have been looking for, for years?" he inquired "yes, I am Alina Tano, Ahsoka Tano's sister, though I did not know you were looking for me other wise I wouldn't of hid my light from Ashla." I told him "you are force sensitive?" "yes like Ahsoka." I answered "Why did you hide your signature?" he asked "I did not want the shadows to find me." he nodded "yes, that would have been unfortunate." the ship jerked suddenly as it landed nocking us over. The zygerrian guards opened my cage and dragged my down the ramp taking me to the edge of the platform. There several Togruta standing on trapdoors in lines on the platform, in front of the doors to the base. The base was in the middle a giant crater. A fat Zygerrian on a hover chair came over to the guards holding me. one of them told the fat one something I couldn't understand. the fat one just smiled at me with a evil glint in his eyes. then his attention turned to Obi-Wan who was pushed forward on the ramp. The fat one said " Ah Obi-Wan Kenobi glad you could join us." "the pleasure is not mine." Obi-Wan simply said "here you will speak when spoken to, call us master, and not talk back." he said with disgust, he then waved a hand at the guards holding me. it took me a moment to register what was about to happen, but I couldn't move an inch, so I was picked up and thrown over the edge. I didn't scream, I wouldn't give them the pleasure, but Obi-Wan did as did the Togruta that soon fell through some of the trap doors they were standing on, probably to punish Obi-Wan further. It was a long way down. We fell for at least ten minutes, before I slowed down my decent and cot the others. I set them down gently on the dirt covered ground, they stood in a group a little away from me as I sat down and started to concentrate with Ashla, the best I could, so I could contact Master Obi-wan. 'Alina?' he questioned 'yes we're fine, you have a tracker in one of your sleeves, Rex has the data pad to lolcat you so they should come for you soon.' 'when did you meet Captain Rex?' he inquired 'I saved his shebs from falling down to where you and the other man were fighting.' I simply reply ' I see, good work.' he said 'I must go now master Jedii.' I inform him 'yes of course, child I will get you out of there as soon as I, myself get rescued, may the force be with you, Alina.' he solemnly said 'you as well master Jedii.' then I was focused on the Togruta who needed shelter. I took them to a shallow cave in fit us all comfortably. I leave to check our surroundings as I'm walking through the fog and dirt covered ground. I kick something, crouching to examine it. I stumble back when I realized what it was. it was a bone, as I look around they were everywhere covering the ground, thousands of them. I quickly scurry back to the cave carful not to step on any of the bones.

The ground started to shake, we were all in the cave, no one wanted to leave after I discovered the bones. I crept out of the cave, only to dive back in to avoid being crushed by giant boulders and debris that was falling down from the battle above. 'Obi-Wan!!! You're bringing the base down on top of us!!!' I yell into the force 'Alina is there a place where you can protect them?' he asked 'ya, we're in a cave like thing but you're blocking the entrance with debris!' I exclaim 'Rex says you have a tracker on you?!' he suddenly stated 'yes I do' I replied 'good then after we're done up here we can come find you.' he said ' if we're still in one piece.' I joke as the cave shakes again ' you should be'. he said fading back to what he was doing. I use the force to move rubble away from the entrance of the cave, it kept falling so I kept pushing it back. Then the entire base falls in to the crater. I try to keep it away from the entrance but there's too much of it and it crashes into the cave and everything goes black.

there will be some blood and gore mentioned in part two. you have been warned

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