
Felix released a loud yawn as his alarm rang and disturbed his precious sleep. His eyes are still shut even while moving and doing his morning routine.

Well don't blame him. His mind fucked him up real bad.

He didn't get enough sleep and kept tossing and turning in his bed for the rest of the night.

Because HyunJin and the memory of their kiss still lingers in his brain, sticking in like it was already glued in there. No matter how many times Felix scrubbed it off, it still always makes its work to roll back on his mind like a freaking yoyo.

Felix have done changing his clothes. He faced himself in the mirror and fixed his hair, ruffling it. He tried to slap his cheeks a few times when he felt himself drooping again, keeping him awake.

"Shit, look at these fucking eyebags". He hissed, fingers drawing and following the ugly curve under his eyes. He took his concealer and placed some on his skin to cover up the wrinkle.

After that, he went downstairs to prepare a breakfast sandwich for himself since he had no time to cook anymore. He quickly munched his sandwich and just 3 minutes after, he stormed off of his house, locking it securely as he head to his work again, dealing the shitty outside world.

Felix reached the shop and changed into his uniforms, feet are sprinting to get to the kitchen to start doing his work.

In the midst of working, Felix kept yawning and yawning. His eyes will sometimes close itself while he was kneading dough so he needs to shake his head to keep himself awake and working. Especially now that the shop are having a bunch of customers already waiting outside for their orders.

He kept moving and working but he annoyingly still getting sleepy and drowsy that he actually needs to settle pinching himself just so his body engine will continue to maneuver.

Felix moves undeniably slower and lower energy than how he actually works. He's able to finish baking a few pastries for just 45 minutes but for this day, it's taking him an hour. He serves pretty quick but now, his feet are walking with less than two speed than usual.

And that, of course, did not manage to not get unnoticed by the most nosy of them all, Han JiSung.

"Yow, Felix. Are you alright? You yawned for like a hundredth time this whole morning and afternoon already. Did you not get enough sleep?" Jisung was concern over the blonde, lips are pouty as he looked at their baker who's shaking his head to wake himself up again.

"I'm fine." Felix responded timidly. He ignored all the urge to sleep since it's not the time yet. He still need to finish sets of croissants.

"Yow, you might wanna take a nap for a while. I mean, there's no customers yet outside. You can have a few minutes to rest". Jisung suggested.

"No, need. I'm fine". The blonde was persistent and just continued doing his work, placing the dough for the croissants in the oil sprayed pan and inserted it in the bulky oven. After closing the oven and setting its timer and heat up, he went back to the kitchen again and decided to make 30 cupcakes. Even though Felix could feel that he's getting a bit dizzy, he didn't give a shit about it and just forced himself to be alive and productive.

That made Jisung grew concern once again.

He noticed Felix had been stumbling a few times already while moving from side to side, getting the wrong ingredients for making the batter and so then he'll make another one.

"Felix, please. You're tired. You should re-"

"No, I'm fine". Felix denied.

"Lee Felix, that's the second time you're repeating making the batter because you placed the wrong ingredient. Your mind is not working straight and properly when you're that tir-"

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