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DONT CRY (not that you'd cry anyways lol) THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER BUT IM GONNA EDIT THE WHOLE BOOK AND CERTAINLY THIS CRAPPY EPILOGUE (it's gonna be longer and written like a damn good writer and not a rushed high school student on her period and exam prep lmao) SO CHILL :'))

Rose's POV

"Perfect for extortion, manipulation, power broking.Yeah.Sounds like the shadows." I rolled my eyes.

"Like you know anything about the shadows..." Connor huffed. I just stood there and smirked at him for a good three seconds.

"Who are you!?" He groaned in reply and I cracked a satisfied grin.

"Cut! Great scene guys, go get some lunch!" The director, Michelle MacLaren, exclaimed and walked towards the rest of the crew.

"Great scene Rose, you're a pro!" Stephen smiled and I grinned.

"D'you guys wanna grab some sushi with us?" Colton asked and I nodded.

"So, how did I do 'Kid Flash', huh?" I asked Connor, "Great, Artemis." he chuckled and we followed behind Colton and the others to the parking lot.

I've been in Los Angeles for 2 years now and I've gotten so many opportunities, I can't even.

I've graduated and got a degree in English and in Film.

Xander, who I met in the music store, posted my pictures online and he got attention from a company and they hired him as photographer. And I also got attention, so it got me a manager and multiple ads and modeling jobs.

If this is what Cara Delevingne feels like then holy shit, I want more.

My singing in Disneyland got viral on YouTube and I got a contacted by labels, which I responded to. I'm going to write and sing songs but they won't come out until I agree to.

I've appeared in The Walking Dead, for a short time and they killed me off, but it was fun. I also appeared on Legends Of Tomorrow, Supernatural, Daredevil, The Flash, Teen Wolf and Pretty Little Liars. Actually, I did more than that but I have no time to explain it all.

My life has just been so great, it makes no sense to me.

Louise and Maité got each got their own apartment in California. Maité in San Francisco and Louise in San Diego.

Maité is working for Google, which blows my mind and Louise has been working as researcher for a Biochemistry lab to research how the ALS virus procreate and how to either slow down the process or how to stop it completely.

I feel like, we either accomplished everything we even wanted by luck or this is just some kind of novel ex machina.

Either way, I love my life so far.

Connor and I have been dating for two years and he has only been adorable and cute and just fucking perfect, which pisses me off, because I hoped something was wrong.

This just felt too much like a fan or teen fiction to me.

"Rose, are you alright?" Connor asked since I spaced out.

"THIS IS WHAT DREAMS ARE MADE OFF!" I blurted and it got extremely quiet.

After a few seconds of realizing what I just said, we burst into fits of laughter and I think I peed a little.

"Is that what you were thinking off?" He laughed and I nodded trying to stop laughing, but it resulted into chocking on air.

"This is real life okay? You made it and no this is not an extensively long dream or something." he chuckled and I nodded.

God, I couldn't be more thankful for my life right now.

//just so you know, this is the end lol. I'm still gonna edit this epilogue (and the rest of the book) bc I wrote it in like 45 minutes and it sucks :')

anyway, thanks for reading this story!

It was a nice experience and I'm pretty sure my books will get better from this point on :)

I love you guys :))) //

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