Chapter Twenty-Four

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The day came.

Ronalds hands grew clammy. Wiping the perspiration off his hands, he took a long steadying breath.

"Son, you are stronger than you know." His mother came into the room without Ronald hearing her. He stiffened when she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know it seems more than you can handle, but there are many advisors set in place to guide you."

"All of them are vying for their own selfish schemes." The vexation was clear as day in his voice.

"You are smarter than you think, you will be able to pick those out from the crowd, and steer clear of them. After all, you didn't judge Bethany Bolace by her ranks or lack thereof-"

"Mother." He warned her.

"I do not mean it in disrespect."

He was about to defend Bethany and tell his mother about her identity but didn't feel this was the right time.

His mother continued, "I simply meant you judged based on her character. If you keep the same mind towards all who will assist you, you shall not fall prey to that. Your father had fallen prey for different reasons. By means of obtaining more power." The Queen walked to the chaise lounge and sat down with grace, keeping an inquisitive eye on him. "Now tell me, will Bethany be in attendance?"

Ronald paced a few feet, and turned once more to his mother, who sat eagerly awaiting an answer. "I did invite her, but she has her reservations."

"I see. Well you need not to defend your choice of bride. You will be King, no one is in place to challenge you." She told him with a firm tone. With a sigh, she arose. "I have a few rather last minute details to take care of so I will get going."

Before she left the room, she turned around, with eyes so sincere, and told him, "I am glad you did not forfeit your title. You will be a great king."

And with a determined air, she left the room. Leaving him in relative silence. His butler bustled around him, fussing over every detail of his formal attire.

"I'm good, Henry." He said with a short voice.

"Is there anything that I may assist your Royal Highness with?" Guilt tugged at Ronalds heart for his short temper. Henry never called him in his titles, they were way past that. And yet hearing him calling him that, made him think twice about the tone he used.

Was this how it would be? The stress of the kingdom upon his shoulders, slowly grating away at his nerves? Hardening him until he became just like his father?

Though deep inside his heart, he knew there was no choice in that matter, but he did have a choice how he would treat others.

With a sigh, Ronald walked a few steps. He was about to apologize when the servants motioned him it was time to go.

"Ready Your Royal Highness?" Ronald looked towards Henry, casting an apologetic look. Henry gave a smile back. Relief flooded his veins.

Outside the people awaited him, waving and cheering. Thrilled to have seen the new King first. Ronald gave his respective nods in acknowledgment.

At the chapel doors, Ronald took a quick breath.

They swung open and music began to play. He walked down, head held high. This day would change his life forever.

All he ever wanted was the simple life. Instead this was his life.

He pressed down his disappointment, as he took the steps to the throne where he would rule until the day he died.

Then one day that burden would rest upon his own son.

Bethany's POV

Bethany watched him from behind throngs of people all trying to catch a glimpse of the event unfolding inside the chapel.

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