Chapter One: Just another awful night

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"Prince Sov!" The voice echoed through the hallways, ripping Sov out of his sleep.

He muttered in disagreement and wondered if the servant would just go away again if he didn't reply. Whatever it was he wanted, it couldn't be good. It probably had something to do with his idiotic father.

"Prince Sov!" A knock came from his door.

No. I'm not here. Sov thought to himself, wrapping his huge, fluffy wings around himself tightly. Now go away.

"Prince Sov, your father has requested an audience."

Of course he has Sov thought bitterly.

"He has an announcement to make!" The messenger ended, his voice still muffled through the door.

Sov wondered what this announcement could be. Maybe it would be a public scolding again. Oh, oh! Maybe he'd tell everyone about ANOTHER thing Sov had done wrong! That would be a thrilling thing to sit through again.

"What announcement?" Sov snapped at the messenger, reluctantly pulling his head out of his wings.

"He didn't say," The messenger replied. "But it seems important."

Sov scoffed. Of course it seemed important. It was always important when his Excellency needs to say something, even if it was just talking about the weather.

"Fine," Sov finally replied. "I'll be there. Probably."

The messenger seemed to hover at his door for another moment but then just replied. "Very well, Prince Sov, I'll tell him." And then he heard hasty footsteps echo down the hallway again until they faded away.

Sov sighed deeply and buried his face in his pillow. "What a pain," He muttered.

He genuinely debated just staying in bed and not showing up, but the conversation THAT would cause with his father would probably worse than whatever was going to happen at this meeting.

Sov forced himself to get up, pulling his big, warm blankets off of himself and heaved himself out of his soft bed.

He walked over to closet, his claws making quiet clicking noises on the stone floor.

He opened it and pulled out his favourite robes and threw them on carelessly, before dragging himself over to his mirror.

"Hmpf," He grunted, looking at his messy reflection. His hair was all over the place, more so than usual, even his feather tufts were all disorganised.
"Well... I'll do what I can," Sov shrugged, grabbing a comb, attempting to tame his wavy hair.

His father always expected him to look perfect and presentable, and Sov did try to look at least decent, but it never seemed to be enough for him. Even when he tried to look perfect as his father had wanted him to, he'd always found something to complain about, so at some point Sov just stopped trying.

He dunked his fingers into a small water dish and ran them over his feather tufts, smoothing them out and bring them back into form. He dusted off his robes and made sure that they didn't look too crinkled and fell nicely.
Now it was time for accessories. Sov held in an annoyed groan just at the thought of it.

Personally, he would be just fine without having to put on a ton of glittering things and jingled on his body every time he moved, but according to his father it was royal etiquette and a demonstration of wealth and power Sov HAD to respect.

He begrudgingly reached out for his golden circlet that was adorned with rubies. He disliked this one particularly, it felt uncomfortable to constantly have something on your head, but it was his status symbol as the prince of their Parliament, so he definitely wouldn't get out of wearing this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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