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The forest was quiet. Only the occasional shriek of an owl and the rustling of the leaves in the wind could be heard.

The foliage was thick and dark, shielding most of the overgrown forest from the light of the full moon. Only a clearing covered in flowers and long grass free of the dark tree's grasp was bathed in it's silvery light.

A small crack could be heard from the middle of the clearing. Buried under intertwined flower stems laid an egg that shimmered in beautiful red hues, like a ruby hidden away from the world around it.

A small crack started spreading along the shell of it, splintering it's surface like glass as the egg started rocking back and forth.

Another crack, another effort to finally break free from the darkness of the egg.

Small chrips escaped from inside the shell, before it started rocking harder, disturbing the plants around it, until it finally broke open.

The small creature inside it panted and slowly crawled out, shaking the rest of the egg shell of it's small body. It looked around with it's huge, blue eyes that reflected the spotty moonlight, trying to soak in the world he'd been so desperately wanting to be a part of.

A feeling rippled through him, one he couldn't understand. It felt like he was supposed to see someone here.

He let out a chirp, but nobody came. He chirped again and again, calling out for whoever was supposed to be right here with him when he hatched, but the forest remained silent.

The little creature shivered, pulling back towards the egg shell. He was so small and the forest outside the clearing looked dark and endless.

He whimpered softly, pulling his featherless wings closer to his body, shivering at the unfamiliar cold.

He was alone in this strange, new world he couldn't have foreseen, and now he somehow had to make it on his own, because even now, shortly after hatching, he knew that no one would ever come for him.

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