Mary Ellen walked up to the door and unlocked it, when she opened it is was pitch black and it blew out a cold breeze, a lantern then lit up to show a hallway of coffins each one had a person with coins on their eyes, Mary Ellen slowly walked into the the hallway and picked up the lantern, I grabbed Judy's hand and knelt on the floor we both started praying as she walked through the hallway to get Annabelle "Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name..." the door slowly closed behind her.

While Mary Ellen was getting Annabelle Judy and I prayed at the door, I couldn't help but think that I wish Ed was here I could really us his help right now.

Before I could worry too much the door swung open, but she didn't come out it was just the dark hallway, Judy and I both looked up at it; I Continued to pray while Judy called out "Mary Ellen?" That's when Annabelle was thrown out of the hallway onto the floor right in front of us, after a moment of silence we heard Mary Ellen scream "Go!" I heard running footsteps from behind us as Judy grabbed Annabelle and I grabbed her hand.

When we turned around Daniela was stood in the bride's dress staring at Judy holding Annabelle, she lifted a knife above her head and started to walk tawords us, I pull Judy behind me as I walk backwards slowly and was pinning against the desk as I said "Daniela. Daniela, Please!" That's when Mary Ellen ran and grabbed Daniela from behind while Daniela struggled against her, after a while of them struggling against one another Daniela over powered Mary Ellen and threw her to the side where she hit the arm chair.

She pulled Mary Elle off the floor by her hair and held her up, that's when Judy yelled from beside me "Daniela Stop!" This only caused her to throw Mary ellen over to the desk, she then strode over to her and pulled Mary Ellen by her legs across the floor and then picked her up by her skirt, when I looked around for something that could help her I noticed the recording of ed performing the exorcism on the projector, I ran over and turned it on and the image of Ed projected on Daniela as he said "I command you, unclean spirit, along with all your minions, now attacking this servant of God. I command you to obey me to the letter..." this caused Daniela to pause in her place.

Mary Ellen then yelled "Judy, run!" When she ran past the board game a hand came out and grabbed her ankle as she ran past, Judy screamed as I kicked at the hand to let go, while I was kicking it more hands came out of the other three holes in the box causing Judy to scream more, I finally got it to let go and then I pulled Judy off of the floor and held her hand as we ran down the hallway to the artifacts room.

When we got there we ran to Annabelles cage and opened the door, but it was slammed shut my a dark hand when we turned round the demon grabbed us by the neck and picked us off the floor, I said as clearly as I could "I command you, unclean spirit, along with all your minions, now attacking this servant of God. I command you to obey me..." that's when he slamed us both against a shelve and started to take our souls, that's when Mary Ellen came in and closed the door behind herself, but when she looked up and saw what was happening she called out "Grace! Judy!" The demon snapped his head in her direction and she went flying into the samurai armer.

When she landed on the floor and looked up it started to fall on her, Mary Ellen rolled out of the way and got back up off the floor she came over to us just as Judy held a cross that was on the shelve against the demons head causing it to let us go, Judy then held the cross out in front of us both as we were on the floor as she screamed at Mary Ellen "Get the doll!" Mary Ellen picked Annabelle up and put her back on the chair in her case and closed the door.

Judy and I both got off the floor when we saw the demon again stood not far from us I then yelled at Mary Ellen over the noise the demon was making "Close it!" Mary Ellen response "I'm trying!" I turn around and push against the door with her, Judy then yelled over her shoulder as she faces the demon "Hurry!" I look behind me and see that not only was the demon there but so was the brid, the samurai armer and the Ferryman.

Judy started to yell praying so I joined in hoping that our faith would get rid of them or at least close the door "Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us for our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, lead us not into temptation..." that's when Daniela ran through the room and over to is and pushed against the door to the case with us, I had to stop praying as I put all my strength into closing the door, when we finally got it closed Daniela locked it and we all turned around and looked around the room.

Everything stopped and the lights came back on, we all stood there panting looking around the room, Daniela was the one who broke the silence "Is it over?" I sighed as I hugged Judy and said "Yes. The evil has been contained"

That's when the door slammed open and we heard running causing everyone to scream, but in came Bob holding a broken guitar as a weapon, Mary Elle then said "Bob?" He looked at us and sighed then said "Are you guys okay?" Mary ellen then looked back at us and said "Yeah. We're okay" Judy then asked sweetly from my side "are you okay?" He quickly said "No! There was a werewolf outside!" Daniel then asked "You saw the werewolf?" Bob nodded his head as he said "Yeah" Judy then said "He saved me from it."

I looked at Bob with a look of slight shock and disbelief "You did?" I asked almost tearing up, he nodded and said "Yeah... Yeah. kind of." I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug and said "Thank you, for looking after her" he nodded his head and said "no problem Mrs Warren" Daniela then said "Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else." I nodded and Picked up a almost sleepin Judy and placed the cross back on the shelve before walking out of the room.

To Be Continued...

My Demonologist (The Conjuring Ed Warren Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ