You stepped out of your office and did one final sweep of the kitchen before heading into the shop. You had your backpack slung over one shoulder and a small box tucked under your arm. You swept around the shop straightening up the shelves one last time, wished the girls who were working the evening shift a goodnight, and headed outside.

The tower loomed over you. The lights had started gradually going out on the business side of the building, and now only about half of them were still lit. The entire top ten floors were all dark except for a random lab or office where someone was working late. The floors that were more consistently lit were the residential floors. The big communal kitchen and lounge area the Avengers used. The apartments that housed the agents who had signed up to work for them after the fall of SHIELD. The floors that served as dorm rooms for the new recruits that lived on site.

You stepped up to the front doors. They opened silently, letting you into the lobby where people were mostly heading home for the day. A few groups loitered talking to each other, while the elevators seemed to let out a steady supply of people who didn't even look twice at you as you passed them. You stepped into an empty elevator and the doors closed. As usual, it started traveling up without you having to do anything. FRIDAY knew you and knew where you needed to be.

When it arrived on the common floor you stepped out to see Clint and Natasha sitting watching television together. Clint was perched on the back of the couch while Natasha was sprawled out on her stomach below him. Steve was setting the dining table rather elaborately. There was a light blue tablecloth laid out and it was decorated with tea lights. He was laying out simple white plates with gold edging and different-sized wine glasses. Bucky and Wanda were both in the kitchen. They each wore aprons and had their hair pulled back. The smell of spiced meats and vegetables cooking wafted through the room. The way Wanda and Bucky moved around each other was like watching an elaborate dance. They switched places and passed things around so effortlessly they look like they'd been doing it for years.

Steve looked up when you came in. A broad smile broke out on his face. "Hey, sweetheart," he said, putting the last dish in place and approaching you. He leaned down and kissed you, while simultaneously taking your backpack from you. For a brief moment, there was nothing else in the room except Steve and you kissing, your lips barely parted, caressing against each other. "How was work?"

"It was good. Someone bought that castle in the window. Now I need to think of a new display. You wanna help?" you replied.

"I'd love to," he said, smiling at you. His eyes looked soft and full of such love, you couldn't help but steal another kiss.

You went into the kitchen and Wanda stopped and kissed your cheek.

"Hey, darlin'. Don't get in the way. Wanda and I are a well-oiled machine," Bucky said, beaming at you and giving you a soft kiss. You could tell he's been sampling the food. He tasted of parsley, dill, and pork.

"That's only because I'm reading your mind," Wanda said as she breezed past you both.

You laughed and gave Bucky a squeeze around the middle before getting out of both of their ways. "This is dessert," you said putting the box on the edge of the kitchen counter. Bucky peeked into the box and frowned. "Store-bought? I thought you'd have made something."

You laughed and swatted at his hand. "Trust me, Buck. After you try those you'll never want anything I made ever again."

Steve came over and took your hand in his. "Let's go put your stuff in our bedroom."

Clint and Natasha raised their hands in greeting as you passed, making an unintelligible grunting sound. You laughed and gave them a wave back before following Steve downstairs to the room he shared with Bucky.

Can We Keep Her?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें