[I'm 6 years old!] Fun doll play

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"In the end, leave that beautiful princess behind, and I'll give you something to eat, too."

The goblins and orcs look at the jet-black princess protected by a female knight.

"I will not hand over the princess to you guys!"

"Buhihi, you're so energetic. I'd like to see that face distorted."

"Princess, please run away."

"My knight, make sure you come back alive"

The princess turns her back and starts running.

"Come on now!!!"

"You're a dashing buhi, please entertain me a little."

"After all, how much do you have?"

The female knight's swordplay was sharp, but outnumbered by many, the momentum gradually declined...

“What happened to the first dash, Buhi??”

"It's not as good as your mouth! That's it!"

"Kill it"

"What are you doing young lady?"

"Eh, play kukkoro?"

"Why is it in question form?"

Hey, it's Miranda.

Recently, her favorite thing is to put on a puppet show with the puppets she received from her older brothers and monster stuffed animals.

Also known as Bundodo, although it doesn't fly and doesn't have a projectile.

"If you're just playing around like that, I'll tell Stella-sama."

"Stop Lisa! Stop that!"

If you do such a thing, you will die, please stop in the future.

That's right, I'm really late. That's not it.

The doll Grande-oniisama told me and repaired made it very easy to play with.

Tosted brother's doll was scary to play with by moving around, but the refurbished knight doll is very easy to play.

First of all, each joint is made of wood, and the joint strength can be changed by tightening the screws! Convenient! !

If you take it easy, you can act like a puppet.

I usually hold it in my hand and play with it.

Also, it seems that they sold a type with fixed joints.

After selling the first fucking heavy weapons as a set, it seems to be popular with noble daughters.

Especially the one that resembles a famous knight.

In our house, there is a Grande-oniisama doll holding a sword in the lobby.

It's the size of a 60cm doll, so it's powerful.

By the way, it seems that Grande-oniisama's doll is selling quite well. You're popular, brother.

Come to think of it, the refurbished female knight doll seems to be expensive, but is your brother okay with it?

My face and clothes haven't changed from the beginning though.

Did you just get the prototype? Just replace the body.

By the way, the male knight doll did not return.

Instead, it's a joint-fixing type brother's doll.

Come to think of it, Margaret-sama, the daughter of Marquis Shudet, who belongs to the same faction, sent me a letter saying that she wanted to see my doll once.

I got permission from my father, saying that it would be okay because we were in the same faction, and wrote a letter asking me to come by all means.

The face and name still don't match.

If I'm not mistaken, Margaret-sama was the one who played the role of Mrs. Margaret at the birthday party.

He had dark blond hair, and although he didn't have vertical rolls, he had long curly hair and beautiful amber eyes.

Not as good as me! Wahaha

I've been reincarnated as a duke's daughterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum