Ch. 14

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Sanji sent a glare to Luffy as his curled eyebrows kept twitching. He stomped his way to the now scared Luffy who was backing away from him, arms raised in the air as he made excuses that 'he wasn't the one who stole last night's reserved meat'.

That wasn't exactly the reason why Sanji was giving off the aura of a serial killer. He already knew that Luffy was the culprit even if Luffy'd deny or never admit it. Sanji was planning on teaching him a lesson to stop stealing food in the middle of the night after breakfast but he decided to just do that after having Luffy learn a more important lesson.

Damn locks never helped too. Useless little shits.

Once Sanji had caught up to his captain, he grabbed Luffy's rubber neck and swung Luffy's face close to his own. Angrily taking in a breath of air, Sanji rapped and at the same time,  shouted infront of Luffy's face as if there was no tomorrow, also repeatedly punching the poor captain's head amidst of the torture.


Sanji let out a wince as something hit him on the head, hard.

"Let him go, cook. You're acting like a kid."

Sanji cursed, feeling his swordsman's glare shooting through his back. Clicking his tongue, he reluctantly let go of Luffy and turned around to face Zoro.

Zoro was feeling completely done with the cook's childish behaviours. He was pregnant, having to endure days with no booze and weightlifting. So why was Sanji the one acting like an immature kid for kami knows what reason? When Zoro didn't even act like how the cook is now, nor whine and complain out loud for not being able to get the booze he wanted, for weeks DAMMIT! WEEKS! And here is Sanji, pouting his lips as he childishly kept stomping his feet on the wooden floor and glared at it. He's acting like a child for freak's sake! Why was he being like this?

"The heck were you shouting at him for? If it's about Luffy stealing food at night again, then forget it. You know he'd never stop doing what he can do to grab some food whenever he's hungry."

The swordsman crossed his arms, not letting his gaze on the cook, move away.

He signed for Luffy to get the others to eat breakfast while him and Sanji have a quick talk.


"Whew! I thought I was gonna die there! I owe Zoro one for saving me from the wrath of Sanji."

Luffy walked away from the kitchen and made his way to Merry's deck, where he saw his other nakama currently stayed at.

"Yo, guys! Breakfast is ready! Zoro told me to get ya' all so we can eat! Sanji also cooked loaddsss of meat so hurry up!!" Luffy called out to them, stars shining in his eyes as he got excited by his mention of meat.

"Oh, thanks Luffy. But is everything okay there? I- We heard a bunch of shouting that sounded a lot like Sanji's voice." Nami replied, looking at Luffy who plopped himself down on Merry's wooden floors, a sigh leaving his mouth at Nami's question.

"Well, I don't know. Me and Zoro were just having a conversation until Sanji showed up telling us that breakfast was ready but he didn't look very happy. I swear I was very extra careful last night to not leave traces of me stealing some meat again from the- oops. Yeah so, as I said, Sanji, for some unknown reason, was mad at me."

Nami stared at Luffy, a sigh leaving her lips as she saw Luffy attempting to make a horrible innocent face,  which didn't look very convincing at the least.

"You weren't putting your head on Zoro's lap, were you?"

"Oh, I was! How'd you know that, Nami? They were co comfy! Comfier than my pillow, Shishishi!"

Nami again, heaved a sigh at the innocent boy's being.

You love using Zoro's thighs as pillows. You do that at anyplace and time even when you know Sanji's with you.

If he continued those acts with Zoro while Sanji's with them in the same room, one day, he really will feel the wrath of a murderous blonde alpha.

"Luffy.... try to only do that when Sanji's not with you two, okay?"

"Eh, but why?"

"Trust me, it's for your own good."


"He-He was- to-too close- y-you!" Sanji stumbled over his words, lips forming into a pout as he grabbed his own blond locks frustratingly.

"What're you a kid? Speak properly, you idiot." Zoro snarled with a hint of sarcasm, tired of the cook's childish antics.

Calming himself down, Sanji took out a cigarette and a lighter, then lit the stick up.

Puffing out the smoke he stared at Zoro's eyes then pulled him by the arm.

Zoro let out a small flinch as he was suddenly embraced by the cook.

Sanji nuzzled his face closer to the swordsman's neck, humming in satisfaction as the pleasant scent of his mate traveled through his nostrils.

"...-Ine.." Sanji quietly uttered, causing the swordsman to scrunch his face in confusion for the words that he couldn't grasp.


"He was getting too close and touchy with you. I didn't like it. You're mine. Only I can put hands- my hands, all over your body like that."

Sanji spoke, lifting his head up, eyes meeting with Zoro's.

They stared at each other for a moment, looking at one another's eyes. Very mesmerized. Nothing seemed to break the unexplainable atmosphere lingering around them.

It was all that until Sanji's words repeated inside Zoro's head which caused the swordsman's whole tanned face, and ears, to flush into a deep pink color.

Zoro avoided Sanji's deep stare, whipping his head away from Sanji as fast as he could that he swore he almost just felt his neck crack. He stuttered over his words as he made an attempt to escape from the arms of the cook, which only resulted as a fail thanks to his embarrassed, flustered, and weakened state from the 'damn' love cook's flirtatious words.

"Yo-Yours- me?- The hell- Sto-Stop blurting out b-bullshit, co-cook. Who's yo-yours?! I-I belong to no-no one, okay?!"

Sanji chuckled at the swordsman's embarassed state, which he found adorably amusing and pushed his face closer to the swordsman's, licking Zoro's lips with his tongue.

"Then...want me to prove it to you?"

Sanji smirked, seeing Zoro's eyes widen in surprise and face now beginning to turn into a complete tomato red color.

"Uhm... excuse me, sorry to interrupt your conversation but....can we eat now?"


(next chapter contains nsfw  😮📸📸)

"𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮 𝗜 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲" (Sanji x Zoro) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt