Ch. 1

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"-Atleast I'm not some dumbass mosshead swordsman who always gets lost so easily because of their unbelievably bad fucking sense of direction!"

"Ha?! Whaddya' say love cook?! Atleast- I'm not like a certain blonde cook that acts ever so stupidly with shitty hearts appearing in their eyes, everytime they catch sight of a woman!"

The crew watched as the blonde and the green-haired marimo began bickering like always. They were used to this now. The two always bickered at anytime or anyplace possible. It was almost like a daily routine now.

Honestly, why bother stopping them when they don't even listen to any word they say?

"Uh. Shouldn't we stop those two?" Chopper asked, concerned as he shifted his gaze from Sanji and Zoro to Usopp.

Usopp, not taking his eyes off of his two arguing nakama replied, "Leave them. Nami will sooner or later show up and teach them a lesson."

Chopper felt hesitant of leaving the two quarrel- worried that something bad might happen if the two continued fighting, but listened to Usopp, nodding.

"Fucking Marimo. If you want a fight then say so, you asshole!"

"Oh?! Fine, I'll fight you. If you badly want me to slice you up to bits with my-"

"You two. Shut the hell up!"

Nami shouted, smacking both of their heads together while piercing a glare to the swordsman and cook. Crossing her arms, the tangerine-haired woman started giving them one hell of a scolding as the two were kneeled down on the wooden floors.

"-Honestly. When we take our eyes off of you two, you both begin bickering- ready to chop each other's necks off, without us knowing. Why can't you two just act friendly with one another for once? Can you two not live one day. I swear, one damn day without being onto each other's necks? Why do you hate each other so much? What do you do every moment you two see each other? Fight. Zoro, Sanji-kun. Tell me. What? Just what is the reason why you can't get along with one another for once in this fucking-"

"- I see an island!! "

Nami's almost no-ending scolding got interrupted by their captain's excited shout.

Slowly calming down, she moved her attention to the island that came into view.

Clicking her tongue, she grinned mischievously as an idea popped into her mind. The navigator looked back at Zoro and Sanji who stared up at her, confused and somewhat scared by the evil look she had on her face. (mostly Zoro since Sanji was just again, acting inlove at the expression Nami was making and said how he also loved this side of the tangerine-haired woman)

Coughing, she spoke. "You two will stay here with Merry and guard her while we go visit this new island. And since we're kind of short on food and necessities we'll go get stuffs we might need to survive here in the wide blue ocean in the Grand line. NO OBJECTION. Alright?"

The two widened their eyes. Horror creeping up to their faces, as their eyeballs almost bulged out of their sockets and their separated mouths got larger.



"𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗣𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮 𝗜 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲" (Sanji x Zoro) Where stories live. Discover now