ch. 9 🌷 "ɪᴛ's ғɪɴᴇ. ɪ'ᴍ ғɪɴᴇ."

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📍Hawkins Highschool main hallway, Thursday 21st July

A whole day of school has just passed by as I exit the history classroom with Will by my side. Swarms of children sweep through the hall right before us as me and Will hold up a conversation about plans for later this afternoon.

"Oh my god, wait. We should stop by the corner store and grab some candy!" He says excitedly. I look over at him, pointing my finger and lightly pressing it on his chest while saying;

"You. Are. A. Genius!" I say, him having a bit of a laugh.

"Hey, did you wanna just like.. come over straight away? I mean, we both have bikes and your mom wouldn't mind, right?" His eyes light up and he nods.

"Yea! Definit-" Yet someone interrupts before he can continue.

"Look what we have here! So the fairy has a boyfriend now? How peculiar!" Troy says while pushing Will into the locker next to us and having a strong grip on his collar.

"Get your hands off of him before I make you, you asshole!" I yell, involving myself in the physical dispute. James, the guy who's behind Troy, says;

"What are you gonna do? Cast a magic spell on us like in your puny board game?"

"No, but I can do this!" I say, whirling my fist towards his stomach. James falls to the ground wincing and clutching his abdomen as the few people that were gathering around let out a low 'ooo'. Will shoots me a look of despair as Troy tightens his grip, now seemingly whispering things into his ear. I take a few steps towards them both, enraged, until someone darts in front of me. The senior from yesterday!

"Listen here you little shit stain. If I see you lay your hands on this lovely boy next to me or even say a single word to him one more time then I will snap your neck before any of the fruit cups in this very town can say 'slay' so I would advise you to pack your stuff and go home to cry to your mother before I do it for you." She says, slowly getting closer and closer to Troy until they're nearly making body contact. Troy lets go of Will and immediately scampers down the hallway with James closely behind him. My attention goes straight to Will who is currently silently on his knees. I bolt over to him and get down in front of him.

"Will?! Are you alright?!" I say, cupping his cheeks in my hands and turning his head to check for any new bruises. He slightly pushes my hands off of his face and uses the locker to pick himself up.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." He mumbles and grabs his tote bag from below him.

"What do you mean 'it's nothing'? This isn't just nothing. You're getting bloody harassed here!" I say, going after him as he walks down the school hallway.

"OI! BLACK HAIR! IF YOU PUNCH, SOMEONE IT'S IN THE NOSE, NOT THE STOMACH!" I hear the senior girl yell from behind me. I roll my eyes and continue conversing with the brown haired boy.

"Can we just stop talking about it please?" An awkward pause situates itself in the conversation.

"Sure, yeah. Whatever floats your boat." I say, sighing.

"However, we still haven't decided on what snacks to get! What do you say?" I ask.

"Hmmm.. well, if we were using our brains properly we should definitely grab some popcorn, and did you hear about the whole grape flavoured Fanta thing?"

(DISCONTINUED) 𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮, 𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 - 𝙗𝙮𝙡𝙚𝙧  ✿Where stories live. Discover now