ch 1. 🌺 "ʜᴜʜ?"

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📍Hawkins High boy's bathroom, Tuesday 19th July

The cold tiles brush against my skin as I regain consciousness from a loud noise coming from opposite me, the bell signalling the end of school.

I let a small slit of my eyelids open to see my legs sprawled in front of me with bruises and sorts plastered all over myself, leaving what seemed like barely any untouched skin left. To my right, there was my sketchbook lying open with an individual page torn to pieces and to my right, my school bag that has a zipper that still doesn't work, disgusting toilet water oozing out of it.

This must've been Troy and his friends.

I place my hands carefully on the semi-grimy walls, using them to gradually pick myself up and off of the ground. They had carved a random word into my arm which I wasn't to make out properly because of my swollen eyes. The cuts seemed pretty deep, as blood slowly but surely squeezed out of them. I need to stop the bleeding before I lost too much.

My eyes slowly drift to the mirror up in front of me as I contemplated my life choices by staring at a sink for 5 minutes. Troy and his group had fucked me up real bad. Dry remains of a nosebleed calmly rest on my face while I not only had one black eye, but two black eyes, along with a still open cut on my lip. In complete shock of seeing my own distraught appearance in such misery, I rush towards one of the stalls and start wrapping nearly every single one of my limbs with toilet paper tightly, hoping that the blood would miraculously stop.

How was I supposed to explain this to my mom? How was I supposed to explain this to my friends? Fuck that! How was I supposed to explain this to ANYONE?

Feeling extremely lightheaded didn't make this situation any better as there was too much too focus on. I lightly patted my wounds with the TP to clean them as much as one who was only mobile enough to move around a school bathroom could. I went over to get some more paper, until I stepped onto a ripped up piece of paper. The one from my sketchbook.

My brother's birthday was only a few days away, and I had to do something special for Jonathan, so I made him a quick sketch. It was nothing detailed or fancy, but it meant a lot to me. Worst part is, it was destroyed underneath my feet.

📍Hawkin's High main hallway, Tuesday 19th July

I slowly stumble through the hallway with my friend, Lucas Sinclair, as we talk about the upcoming party this weekend.

"Do you think we'll get wasted there?" He asks, yet I stared at him with my eyebrows raised.

"Dude we're literally 15, if I were you I would shut my yap and stay away from alcohol." But Lucas just rolls his eyes and switches the topic to how cool his basketball teammates were and how they shot some "amazing hoops".

"I heard you could bring plus ones to the party! Who do you think you're going to take out?" I mention, wanting to get this conversation over and done with. It's not like I hate Lucas, it was just that I am not in the mood and these were going to be 10 minutes of my life I'd never get back.

"Oh, Max for sure! She is my girlfriend after all. What about y-"

All of a sudden, I hear a bunch of rustling coming from the bathroom we're walking past. A little curiosity wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, Lucas? I just.. um.. really gotta go take a dump! I'll catch up with you tomorrow." I say abruptly, interrupting him. Before I could get a reply, I swiftly trudge over to the boy's bathroom.

"TMI!!!" I hear Lucas yell from behind me. It was the best excuse I had either way, so it's not like it actually was TM-

A quick rushing sound is made from the lower end of the bathroom as I hear a cubicle stall lock. What the hell?

📍Hawkins High boy's bathroom, Tuesday 19th July

I'm dabbing at my face with a piece of toilet paper, letting the blood soak into it until I hear the bathroom door open.


It's most likely Troy's little group coming to see me and torment me more, so I bolt inside the bathroom stall behind me, hoping they think it's just a random person pissing or something. If they break down the door, it's going to be the end of me. My body cannot take another single hit or I'm going to literally crumble (CHRISSY CRUMBLE 💗💗) into a million pieces and never live to see daylight ever again.

"Hello? Who's there?" an unfamiliar voice says.

It doesn't sound like any of that dickheads messengers, so who could it be? Unless they recruited a new member, of course. I keep quiet and I hear footsteps slowly making their way out. Slowly but carefully, I lift myself off of the toilet seat and am waiting to unlock the door as I hear the bathroom door open and close.

📍Hawkins High boy's bathroom, Tuesday 19th July

Something is up, and I'm sure of it. There are multiple bloody tissue things that are on the edge of a sink, a drawing book lying open on the grimy tiles, torn pieces of paper scattered everywhere, and a disgustingly soaked bag. What the fuck is this shit show? And who is in that stall? I reluctantly ask "Who's there?", expecting a goddamn answer. At this point, I'm starting to believe this person just had some beans for lunch and are minding their own business. However, the blood from the tissues are fresh, so how would that work?

A plan pops into my head, just like the cartoons when they get a lightbulb over their head. I walk over to the door, as if I were to exit. I open it loudly, and close it loudly, and then I wait. If it isn't relevant, I'll walk off as if I was just a really silent pooper or something. I hear clicking coming from the door, like a lock being turned. This is it! This was the moment that I had no reason to wait fo-



WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK SO FAR? sorry this one felt rlly short and I LOVE leaving people on cliffhangers so YES also my posting schedule is gonna be a little bit twisty but i'll try to post once every 2-4 days (maybe, no promises) but yeah 💞💞 the next one is gonna be a fun one to write so expect that soon 🤟🤟😍😍 ok byeeeee my wal🥜s (yall r walnuts now)

(DISCONTINUED) 𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮, 𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙮 - 𝙗𝙮𝙡𝙚𝙧  ✿Where stories live. Discover now