Kitami Takamune - POV

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The last time is so amazing

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The last time is so amazing. I can't believe she will take the lead to make love, and that's amazing. Spending time with her, having dinner, and cuddling in the morning. She would always make me blush when we were alone.
Yuuri has no experience with sex. I am her first man. I think it will take some time for her to start being more aggressive in bed. I didn't think it would be this soon. To think she would ride me, I thought was just my imagination. He is very shy when it comes to sex. Even seeing me naked made her embarrassed. But, it's so cute.
I am very happy. I love her.
I couldn't believe that someone like her wanted to be with me. After the things we've been through, I'm afraid that she might hate me. But after everything, I know that she won't do that. No matter what happens, she'll be by my side. Even if she wants nothing to do with me, I won't give up hope.
Just like how she won't give up on me while I'm in a difficult time, I won't give up on her no matter what. It's just as simple as that.
So when I'm sure that it won't bother her, I'll ask.
And I mean that genuinely. I don't intend to hurt her by doing that. But it's better to have it all confirmed, I decide, I've got nothing to lose anymore.
"Taka?" Her voice interrupts my thoughts and I look up to face her.
"Yes?" hoping that my voice wouldn't betray any emotion.
"Are you alright?" She looked at me, "Did you prefer rice for breakfast?
"No, it's okay," I said
"You still bothering about Eniwa-san?" she said. Does she know me or did it show on my face that I'm upset?
"Well...I'm just wondering if Hiroki trying to take the opportunity when I'm not around," I said.
She looked at me, then smiles, "But, you're the one I love, Taka."
She's cute when she is embarrassed. I want to embrace her again.
"I know," I said, trying my best to keep my cool.
"Anyway..." she said, looking away from me.
Her cheeks flushed. Was it because she saw how I looked at her?
"I'm working with Eniwa-san, so I meet him sometimes," she said.
"Just avoiding him besides work," I said.
She giggles, "Yes, sir!"

We finished breakfast and Yuuri immediately went to work. I walked her to the front door. "I'm going," she said with a sweet smile.
I can't take it anymore. I grabbed her hand, pushed her against the wall, and kissed her passionately. I tightened my grip and pressed my body against her while continuing to give her deep kisses.
Yuuri tried to push me, but I refused. " have to work..." she said softly. Her sweet voice made me not want to let go.
"Just a minute..." I whispered.
"But..." She said.
I trailed my fingers down her arm to her wrist. I gently brought her lips against mine again. A small whimper escaped her throat.
"Will you...ride me again?" I whispered.
"You...bully..." she pouted. So cute.
I took my hands inside her blouse and held her closer to me. I ran my lips up her neck to where I could taste her skin. I placed featherlike kisses along her throat until I reached her ear. I bit her earlobe slightly making her wince. She moaned.
"Please..." she pleaded.
My heart felt like it just exploded. She has this effect on me, and I'm so proud of it. I kissed her again, this time with more passion and she responded by kissing me back. My free hand was caressing her cheek and she opened her mouth letting me deepen the kiss and I felt her fingers running through my hair. I kissed her slowly. Her lips were soft and delicate. The only thing I know is that I never want it to end.
When I finally pulled away, Yuuri was already breathless. She was still looking into my eyes while holding onto me for support. We were so close our breaths mingled together. When she realized what she had done, she looked away embarrassed.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't..." I said quietly.
She stopped me from apologizing. She placed my finger on my lips. "No need to apologize..."
I pull his finger inside my mouth and lick it passionately. She trembled and moan softly.
Then I place kisses all around her face and chest, opened a few buttons of her blouse, slowly slide aside his bra and put my mouth on her nipples.
"Ahhhhh!" she moaned sweetly.
I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't resist the temptation. I was lost in desire and Yuuri seemed to be too. I can't help myself. Especially with her.
After I finished sucking on Yuuri's nipple, I took her skirt down and started kissing her legs.
"Taka! Please stop! We'll get into trouble..." she groans while I slowly pull her underwear off.
"Don't worry," I say while putting a kiss between her thighs.
I licked her clit softly while rubbing her wet core with my thumb. She moaned louder. I kissed her pussy and entered my fingers inside her. I moved them faster and deeper inside her and she let out a muffled scream. She didn't have to tell me twice.
After pulling away my fingers, Slowly I pressed my tip inside her opening.
She moaned loudly and closed her eyes for some moments.
"Taka..." she said.
"You're already this wet," I whispered.
She nodded. I positioned and inserted myself deeper inside her.
"God, you're so tight!" I groan and continued thrusting.
"Ohhh...." she screamed, and she gripped my back and buried her head in the crook of my neck.
"So hot!" I yell while hitting her spot repeatedly.
Her legs wrapped around mine as I slammed myself into her again and again.
She squeezed me tighter and moaned out my name over and over again. My whole body tingled at the sound. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted her. So many things about her were new to me but somehow they fit perfectly together. As if this was all meant to be.
Her face was flushed red as she panted out words of encouragement, urging me on. She was right there with me, driving me hard and fast. We both needed it. And I felt it too. Her hot skin against mine; our bodies pressed together. I could almost taste her. Her lips were soft and sweet. It made me crazy. The more I thrust inside her, the louder she cried out, the tighter she gripped onto my shoulders.
I'm going to make her scream again...
"'re gonna cum if I don't make it last longer," I said while moving faster inside her. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.
"Ahhhhh! Taka! Taka!" she screams while gripping my shoulder, pulling hard.
Her breathing gets heavier and more labored while I continue pumping my hips inside her. She's getting ready to come again. I can feel it.
I start thrusting more deeply, increasing my speed. Her breathing gets faster and harder and she starts screaming and shouting my name as she reaches the end of control.
She pulled me harder towards her and began to clench my hips, grinding against me. With a final thrust, I thrust deeply into her. Our hearts beat fast as we came down from our high.
I leaned forward and kissed her passionately. She comes, and I followed shortly.
She was panting heavily. Her cheeks were still flushed and her lips were parted slightly. She was beautiful. Every part of her was beautiful.
This is it. This is what I've wanted to do for years now...
I can feel it building up inside me.
This moment, right here, was everything.
I want her to know...that I love her. That every single thing I did was because I love her. She's my entire world.
"You okay?" I asked her, stroking her cheek and caressing her hair.
"Yeah," she smiled. "So good."
She laid her head on my chest and sighed contently.
That was perfect.
We collapsed on the floor and hugged each other while still catching our breath. It's so good. I can feel her warm sweat covering my body. Her heartbeat was racing as well as mine. I know that she feels good too. I don't think anyone else can compare to her. I can't wait to hear her beautiful screams in the future. Just like I'm sure she will scream mine.
"Yuuri..." I say.
"Uhmm...?" she still caught her breath.
"I'm sorry...I mess up your clothes for work..." I kiss her softly
" bully!" she pouted but hugs me tightly.
"I love you, Yuuri," I whispered. I can't deny the fact that we're perfect for each other. There's nothing that could make me happier than loving her. I'm so glad that she loves me.
"I love you too, Taka." She said.
And I'm sure that there's nothing that would convince her that I don't mean it.

Steamy Fanfiction - My Last First Kiss  - Voltage Inc Love 365Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora