Chapter 12 - "My Man."

Start from the beginning

And we got it. We got exactly what we wanted.

Melvin's family dressed me up and fit my dress on perfectly. I had no clue what Melvin looked like, but I was extremely nervous. They doused me in perfume, coated me in makeup, and they made me into a beautiful woman. [My wedding picture is off to the right.] I sat and waited anxiously in the dressing room, when they told me that it was time. I stood up and took a deep breath, then I walked off onto the beach front with my face faded and covered.

I walked down the candle lit isle while Melvin stood at the alter with the man, waiting for me with a white suit on. He looked absolutely stunning. His brown skin glistened from the sunlight at the end of the waters, his perfectly aligned and white teeth shined at me, and his extremely large family sat around us. We took about a minute to get to the end of the isle as I stepped onto the podium with Melvin and grabbed both of his hands. He moved my cover back that was on my face, and his face brightened at mine as my face brightened at his.

Then, it was time for the announcer to read the wedding vows.

"Do you, Mevin Anthony Donaldson take Marilyn Baker Monroe to be your to be your lawful wedded wife, and will you pledge to her your love and honor, your faithfulness and tenderness, and promise to cherish and care for her according to the laws of man and the ordinance of God in the Holy Bond of Matrimony?" The announcer asked.

"I, Melvin Anthony Donaldson take Marilyn Baker Monroe to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer: in sickness and in health; to love, to honor, and to cherish, for all the days of our lives." Melvin nodded as he glanced at me.

"Do you, Marilyn Baker Monroe take Melvin Anthony Donaldson to be your To be your lawful wedded husband, and will you pledge to him your love and honor, your faithfulness and tenderness, and promise to cherish him and care for him according to the laws of man and the ordinance of God, in the Holy Bond of Matrimony?" The announced asked.

"I, Marilyn Baker Monroe, take Melvin Anthony Donaldson to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer: in sickness and in health; to love, to honor, and to cherish, for all the days of our lives." I said as I smiled at Melvin.

Then, Melvin placed the ring on my finger. I sighed in nervousness as I soaked in the fact that this was real. I was getting married.

"Repeat after me, groom. I give you this ring as a sign of my love and my commitment to you." The announcer said.

"I give you this ring as a sign of my love and my commitment to you." Melvin said as he looked at me.

"May the circle of your wedding rings remind you of your unending love and respect for each other. You have agreed to live together as husband and wife and have pledged your faith in one another by repeating these vows. Now as you go through life together. May your love for each other be the center of your hearts and your home.  May God bless you and your marriage from this day forward.   Now by the authority vested in me and before God, I now pronounce you husband wife.  You may kiss the bride! Congratulations!" The announcer smiled at us too.

Melvin smiled as he placed his hand on the side of my face, and we both leaned forward to give each other a long kiss. Everyone stood out of their seats and stared clapping with nothing but pride and joy. Something happened that I never predicted. I was officially married to a african american man.

As the day drew into sunset, we enjoyed fresh fish, pasta, and shrimp as our dinner. We also had garlic bread rolls along with wine with the adults. As the day drew into a dark night, we cut the cake and enjoyed desert while me and Melvin took numerous amount of pictures. We cheesed and smiled for the rest of the night, blossoming and blooming in our eyes. I looked over, and seen people that I wasn't expecting to see.

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