☾︎14☽︎The Truth

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Third person Pov
The Ferrari brothers ran inside the house to check what was wrong they ran inside to see the Russian leader with a gun pointed on their sister's  head

"Vladimir you son of a bitch let her go"Luca spat out

He didn't say anything he started chuckling

"Whats the rush, you know your sister here is very pretty you won't mind if I have a little fun with her right" Vladimir said chuckling

"How dare you say that about my sister"Stefano said

Luca didn't say anything he was just boiling with rage

"Boys what with all the noise is everything alright"Lorenzo(dad) said

"Dad come down quick Vladimir has ashley on gun point" Stefano yelled

"Wow such a shame calling your old man to protect you"Vladimir said mockingly

Lorenzo, Victor, Elijah and Theo ran down the stairs immediately

"Vladimir leave ashley alone or they will be severe consequences"Dad said

"Why will I do that, Lorenzo you have such a pretty daughter and you hide her from the mafia world"Vladimir said

Lorenzo Pov
This man just revealed we are in a mafia I wonder how ashley is going to take it

"y-you guys are in a mafia"ashley said scared

Before I could answer Vladimir opened his stupid mouth

"Yes Sweetheart they are I'm sure they probably told you they run a family business it true but mafia is what they stand for"Vladimir replied

When I looked at Ashley face it was full of fear and shock

Ashley Pov
I was peacefully sleeping when I heard someone enter my window I peeked my eyes open to see it was a scary looking man holding a gun I quickly closed my eyes and I was surrounded by thoughts

Who is he?

Why is he holding a gun?

Did he want to kill her?

And even if why did he want to?

"Get up I know you are awake" The man spoke

I hurriedly jumped out of bed

"You're coming with me" He said and he put a gun on my head so that I wouldn't escape I didn't dare do anything

When we got to the living room I saw guards I have not seen before it looked it looked like they where not my family own because they would have killed the man

"Lets go"The man said

No I can't go with him I tried to look for a way to call for my family if I shout he might kill me

While he was dragging me to the front door I saw a glass cup on the table I grabbed it immediately and I smashed it on the wall

"You stupid girl what did you do that for" The man said angry

Not so long after Luca and Stefano came to my rescue I was so relieved

"Vladimir you son of a bitch let her go"Luca said angry

He knows this guy

"Whats the rush, you know your sister here is very pretty you won't mind if I have a little fun with her right" Vladimir said

When he said that I immediately felt disgusted but I knew this was his way to get to my brothers

"How dare you say that about my sister"Stefano said

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