Chapter 7

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There is a trigger warning. I won't be mad if you can't read this- but for all my real ones out there- No, I'm joking, but there is a trigger warning for stalking.

Detective Anthony Lawrence 

8 Days After the Disappearance of Daniella Seymour 

The address written in the book at the mechanic's store led me to a small cottage-like house in the middle of the woods. The porch was slight and lifted by two stairs. My heavy boots made the wood underneath them creak. Freddie stayed in the cruiser waiting to see what would happen. It was irresponsible of me to bring her here, I know, but it's just in case Dani's actually here. There is no way of telling for sure until I get a warrant. I sighed and banged on the door. Silence. "This is the police! If you are home open up! I'm looking for Scott Mortenson!" Nothing. 


We opened the door hugging and smiling. A man stood there. These past few days had been so therapeutic for me. Scott was helping me escape my bland life. The same old stuff of going to school and having to deal with high school drama. Scott took all of that away. The bruises on my face were healing up well. Although, I wasn't eating enough (Scott declared I looked better without the extra weight), and the bruises on my knees and paunch were worse. I was still the happiest I'd been in a long stretch. The tall man standing in front of us looked as if he could end all this happiness. That's why Scott and I linked arms and bolted away from him. "Hey! This is my fall house! Get away from my property!"

Detective Lawrence 

No one answered so I turned back around and shrugged at Freddie. "No one's there." 

"We need to get into that house," she argued. "Freddie, I'm going to do something and I need you to keep it between us." 

"You're breaking in." 



"Where are we going?" I panted happily. 

"Car," Scott answered calmly. "Then where?" 

"Home. Trust. Me." I could tell he was having a difficult time running. "I trust you," I said. And I meant it. 

Detective Lawrence

Walking around the house unseen was easy. The guy had no neighbors. There were flowerbeds everywhere. The back side of the house had a big glass panel door. I could see a small desk in the corner of the room. It had a large rug in the middle of the room with a couple of leather couches. If this guy had anything to do with Dani he would keep it on that desk. It was like any other desk but it had a wood shield over the actual desk part. I could see a keyhole in the shield. I checked under the door mat. Bingo. Key.


He stuck the key in the ignition and drove away as quickly as he could. 

Detective Lawrence e

I stuck the key in the door and slid it open. 


We flew past a blur of trees and roads. I put my hand on Scotts that was handling the wheel. "I love you," I told him. 

Detective Lawrence 

I went into the house and searched for a key to the desk. It was taped underneath it. I was wearing gloves just in case I found anything. Wait, Scott, what is this? 


"I love you too." 

Detective Lawrence 

On this little desk, I found some of the strangest things a 25-year-old man would have. A rolled-up piece of blue paper that said "Plans" on it. It was a blueprint for some sort of warehouse. There was an address too. (thank you for the address Scott) Next to the blueprints was a bottle of perfume, that's your secret Scott? I always wondered how he smelled so good. In front of that was a small pile of women's panties. They had lace on them. Oh Scott, you devil, I'm sure you don't wear these, do you?


"Don't worry, we're almost to the train station," Scott said quietly. "Ok." When we arrived at the train station, Scott told me to keep my head down. I did as I was told. If I was discovered they would make me go back home. I didn't want that. I didn't want to go back and live with my stupid, horrible stepfather. I wanted to stay with Scott where I was safe.

Detective Lawrence 

"We need to go, now." 

I know this was a short one but we're so close to the end. Expect a pretty emotional short one next. It's gonna all wrap up in the following one

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