"Now, go apologise to Lilli" Theo pushed him toward the door.

Mattheo sulked back into the common room and past the glaring boys on the couch. He knocked gently on Lillis door. "Who is it" Pansy shouted "Uhm, just send Lilli out" Mattheo coughed awkwardly. Lilli opened the door with a sigh "Yes?" 

"Walk?" Mattheo scratched the back of his neck "Sure" Lilli shrugged.

The two walked into the courtyard and sat under a tree. "Look you have to understand i didn't have a choice" Mattheo grabbed her arm "Why didn't you just tell me, or leave"

"I couldn't leave" 
"Why?" She shrugged

"Because. I love you" He blurted out  "No thats not fair. You can't just say that, someone who loves you wouldn't do something like this" Lilli ripped her arm away "you can't sat you love me to make me forgive you"

"But you were there, you were in the manor. You saw what happened" Mattheo begged. Lilli sighed and lay against the tree. 

"I know" she whispered "But you went back to him. Even after I saved you, you went back to him. You're still here to take me. I think you should just leave. Go back to him, its safer" Lilli didn't let Mattheo reply, she stood up "safer for everyone" and with that she left the courtyard.

Mattheo got up a few minutes later. He walked past the boys in the common room and up to his dorm. After a few moments he reappeared with a back pack.

"Where are you going?" Blaise looked over his book "Somewhere I won't keep hurting you guys" he stared at his feet. Before they could protest he was gone.

"I've never seen him so emotional, so vulnerable" Draco stared at the door with wide eyes "Love can ruin you" Enzo whispered "Aw is Enzo in love" Theo joked "No" Enzo snapped "Merlin Enzo, you are so defensive recently" Draco rolled his eyes "Anyway, good riddance he's gone. They just caused problems"

"Is he gone" Lilli walked into the common room followed by a floating cup of tea sturing itself "He left a few minutes ago" Draco shrugged. "He said he was going somewhere he couldn't hurt us" Enzo replied 

"Accico jacket" Lilli mumbled and her leather jacket came flying towards her hand. She caught it mid air and threw it on. The boys watched as she rushed out of the common room and quickly followed behind her. It was hard to keep up with her as the second she had got out of the castle she had transfigured into her animagus. Theo, Blaise and Enzo did the same to keep up and Draco sat on Enzos back. "This is so embarrassing" he grumbled as he grabbed the tigers fur. Enzo was strong enough to carry him, he was an incredibly large tiger. Lilli zipped in and out of trees quickly, under branches and through holes. The others were to big to do the same and were just trying to keep her in sight. They stopped when they reached a clearing in the woods and found Lilli stood in the middle. She began to pull her emerald ring off and the others watched as she opened a large portal. She hopped through and the other quickly followed before it closed. Draco wasn't quick enough and was shut out. 

The three remaining boys fell to the floor on the other side of the portal. Lilli was walking up a small path through the trees. The boys pulled themselves together and followed loosely behind her.

The boys saw Lilli go invisible before opening a door into a large Manor house. Again they copied her and followed her inside. Walking down a long hall until they heard voices. The floor was squeaky and the walls were dingy and moldy.

They turned into the room full of voices and stood close together in the corner. They knew Lilli was there because some dust in the opposite corner was swept up by a random spurt of wind. The four of them had found themselves in a very private meeting.

"Good to see you Young Riddle" Lucius smiled harshly. Mattheo just glared up at him "Lucius where is your boy?" Belatrix turned to the older Malfoy.
"I'm right here" The four watched as Draco entered the room in his black robes "sorry I'm late my lord,   homework"
"Liam is also late it seems" Voldemort stared down at an empty seat "Sorry lord, had some trouble at school" Liam quickly sat down in the chair. Trying his best to cover the black eye with his hand "Good, now that we are all here, I think you know today's topic of discussion" Voldemort looked around at everyone in the room. 

The boys held their breath as a large snake stared at the corner they were stood in. They heard a slight whisper and the snake turned its attention to Lillis corner. It nodded before returning back to its masters side.

"The girl" Belatrix hissed "Yes the girl" Voldemort nodded "My son has came to his senses recently and I hope he will be able to complete the mission he was set" 
"Yes father" Mattheo stared straight down at the floor "It's not his fault My Lord, she has a lot of powerful people in her circle" Liam tried to help. Even though they were fighting the effects of Mattheos poor decisions still affected both of them.
"Then get rid of them, Draco I expect you to help" Lucius turned to his son "Me? But I've already completed my job" Draco stammered "No, Severus completed your job" Belatrix growled.
"The boy is getting close to the Horcrux's, we will kill him" Another man at the table interrupted "I need her on my side to win" Voldemort sounded angry "But you are so powerful on your own My Lord" Belatrix begged.

"You people don't understand. That girl is more powerful then I, she is more powerful the Dumbledore and she is definitely more powerful then the so called 'Chosen one'" Voldemort hit the table with his fist. "I've seen it first hand father, she can engulf someone in flames with just her mind. She doesn't need anything" Mattheo spoke.

Blaise lunged forward but Enzo caught his arm. They were all getting agitated.
"She must have a weakness" Lucius scoffed "Yes, she does"  Mattheo whispered "What is it boy" Belatrix leaned closer to him "Get out of my face you bitch" Mattheo hissed. Belatrix slumped back into her seat.
"Her family" Mattheo smirked
"I thought she hated her family?" Lucius looked suspicious "She will do anything to protect her family, as would I" Mattheo looked at the corner of the room and smirked "Then we shall take her family from her" Voldemort nodded. "But they are some of our strongest members" Lucius scoffed "She is more valuable then them" Another man at the table snapped.

The people at the table began to rise and the four teens quickly left the house.

"You hate your family?" Enzo looked at Lilli once they were out.
"He was referring to us you idiot" Theo slapped the back of the boys head "Oh.... but they think he means her real family" Enzo spoke slowly "Yes, that was obviously his plan" Blaise sighed "He tricked them". "He knew we were there" Lilli shook her head "He looked right at us" Theo agreed.

What Makes A Villain // Mattheo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now