14. miles apart

Start bij het begin

"Shush!" He laughs. "No one is supposed to know."

"Why not? Are you embarrassed to be with my sister?" I tease.

"The opposite actually. She just think that people would bully me if they found out." He says as we start putting topping on all the pizzas. "Iris! What did you want again?"

"Just cheese and bacon, please!" Iris quickly reply's. It's honestly not a shock that they are a thing. I've seen this coming since preschool. "Connor, is it okay if some people stay in your room?"

"Yeah, sure." I answer, praying she has Charlie sleep in my room.

"Smells good down- woah! Why is there a bunch of teenagers in my living room?" Dad walks downstairs.

"Hey, they are going to spend the night if that's alright?" Iris forgot to ask first, per usual.

"Yeah that's fine. Girls in one room, boys in the other." Dad looks around at everyone, knowing no one will follow that rule. "Well i'm off to work for the night, i'll see you guys in the morning." Dad waves and walks out.

"Your dad seems nice." Darc and Tara say at the same time and they both giggle.

"Where is your other brother?" Elle asks.

"Why? Do you have a crush on him?" Tao quickly reply's before Iris could. Also seen this coming. Tao and Elle are madly in love with each other but are too scared to tell each other.

"Tao calm down, I was just wondering." Elle laughs as well everyone else on the couch.

"Now we just gotta let these bake." I turn back to Nick who is staring at the floor. "Are you admiring the floor tiles?"

"No, sorry." He laughs it off. "This is gonna sound off but don't you think it's weird that Iris let Christian tell people about them but she won't let me tell people about us. Christian is probably more popular than me."

"Christian got made fun of... a lot. I think that's why she's worried." I start sliding the pizzas in the oven.

"Yeah, I guess."


"This is so fucking good." Aled practically moans while eating his pizza.

"I'm just a master chef, it is what it is." Connor shrugs.

"We should all crowd into Iris' room and watch a movie." Elle suggests.

"Why not is the big open living room that we are in currently." I look at her confused. No way we would all fit into my room comfortably.

"It's just cozy in your room." She smiles. She means that no one would notice her and Tao snuggling.

"Fine, I guess." I roll my eyes.

"Hurry up and finish your Pizza, jesus." Tara snaps Aled out of his pizza loving daze.

"I'm just savouring it." He pushes Tara's arm.

"I'll go set up my room so we can all fit." I get up, put my plate in the sink, and start to walk up the stairs.

"I'll go with you." Nick quickly gets up and follows. I get in my room and start to throws clothes on the floor into my closet. "I cleaned you room for you two days ago."

"Okay? I like it messy." I look over at Nick in my door way. He doesn't seem impressed. It seems like something is wrong. "What's wrong?" My smile droops but he doesn't reply. "Look, i'm sorry. I shouldn't have messed up my room so quickly." I say thinking he's mad at me for having a messy room. Or maybe he doesn't want to be with my anymore. I need to stop with the sad thoughts.

"That's not what's wrong." He closes my bedroom door and sits down on my bed so I go and sit beside me. "Why don't you kiss me? I don't want to pressure you or anything it's just odd that we haven't talked about it."

"What are you talking about? We kiss all the time." I look at him, confused. He's probably realizing he deserves better.

"Yeah, buts it's never a real kiss. It's just pecks. And whenever I touch you, you tense up." He sighs, and I feel my heart start to break. "And you still don't want to tell people when's it's been almost two months. You told everyone about you and Christian after two days." I try to grab his hand but he pulls it away. I really don't want this to be the end.

"Nick, I understand." I move a little further away from him. I don't think i've ever been more in love with a person in my life before and he's disappearing before me.

"Understand what?" He sighs for the 100th time.

"That you are trying to break up with me." My breath shakes, holding in tears. Losing two people in one day is probably the hardest thing ever.

"Breaking up? No. That's not what I mean. I didn't mean for it to sound that way." He comes closer to me again. "I'm sorry, I just want you to talk to me."

"I guess I just care about you more than Christian and I don't want to have you go through the same thing at school as I do." I let a tear slip but I quickly turn away to hide it. "And I love you."

"Love?" Nick asks. I turn back to Nick realizing what I just said. I feel like I just go punched in the stomach.

"You guys done?" Darc knocks on the door. I quickly wipe my cheek and open the door while Nick still sits on my bed.

"No, but just come in." I move out of the way and everyone piles into my room.

"I need to use the washroom really quickly." Nick gets up and walks out of my room without making eye contact with me. I fucked everything up. While Nick disappears down the hall way everyone finds somewhere to sit. Tara, Darc, and Aled take my bed. Tao and Elle sit on the mini love seat at the end of my bed. Charlie and Connor lay on a bunch of blanket and pillows on the floor. And I sit on my overly large bean bag.

"What movie?" I say holding the remote.

"Endgame." Connor suggests but Tao huffs and I take that as a sign we will not be watching any Marvel movies tonight. Tao and Him start to bicker.

"How about a scary movie?" Elle laughs.

"Oh my god, yes!" Tara practically yells.

"There you are Nick." Connor breaks away from his bickering. I turn to see Nick at the door, looking normal. His normal is perfection, his everything is perfection."Come sit with us."

"I'm good." He smiles and walks past them right over to me. "Mind moving over?" I move to the side as I can, trying to make room for him as he sits down. The bean bag is big, just not big enough. Instead of sitting somewhere else, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls my legs over his. Instead of tensing up, per usual, I felt relaxed knowing that he doesn't hate my guts.

"So are you going to pick a movie or....?"

All I Ever Asked (N.N.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu