Chapter 49 - Francisco's POV

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After working for fifteen minutes a knock sounds on the door. I sigh hoping they just leave but the knocking only gets louder.

I gently move Florence and walk over to the door. I open it only to see Dante and Alessandro in front of me.

"Is she here?" is the first thing that comes out of Dantes mouth.

"Yes but she's sleeping" I tell him quietly. He nods his head as they walk into the office.

"It smells like sex in here" Alessandro points out with a grimace on his face. I choose to simple ignore his comment and move back over to Florence.

"What do you guys want?" I question them already annoyed.

"Well we came to see Florence but since she's sleeping I guess we should talk about the people you have in the basement" Dante tells me carefully.

I clench my fists at the thought of who is down there. I haven't gotten a chance to go see the miserable fuck for myself considering I wasn't comfortable with leaving Florence when she needed me the most.

"What about them?" I question angrily.

"You should go down there. People are starting to question you especially since you've been gone for so long and not..." Alessandro pauses clearly hesitant on saying his next words.

"Not what" I ask calmly but the anger I feel is anything but calm.

"Not as violent" he rushes out looking like he's ready to run out of the room.

I contemplate what to do in my head before I respond.

"Get out but stay by the door" I tell them. They both rush to the door and close it behind them.

"You should go" I hear a soft voice say. I look down to see Florence with her eyes open looking up at me.

"I'm not going to leave you when you're not comfortable" I tell her while playing with her pretty hair.

"I know you wouldn't. But I think I am comfortable. Maybe you can leave Dante with me so I have someone just incase" she tells me sweetly. I look over her face for any signs of distress but see none.

"You'll really be okay baby?" I ask her one more time.

"Yup" she tells me popping the p at the end with an adorable smile on her face.

"Promise you'll tell Dante to call me if you need me" I tell her a little worried to leave her for the first time.

"I promise luvbug. Stop worrying so much I'll be okay" she tells me while stroking my cheek. I kiss her hand making her smile even more.

"I love you" I tell her giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you" she says with a cheeky smile. I smile at her happiness happy to see her so happy.

I set her on the couch and start walking to the door before I remember something. I walk back over to her and grab her dress and shorts that were on the floor.

"Baby you have to change" I tell her nodding at her outfit. She looks down and nods her head standing up.

She walks over to her bag and grabs what I'm assuming is a tampon. She walks over to the bathroom to clean up. After about five minutes she comes back out and walks over to me.

I help her get dressed because according to her "I have to change her because I'm the one who made her so tired and sore" not that I mind at all.

Once she's all changed I give her a kiss on the lips and pull away.

"Ready baby?" I ask her while checking her from head to toe for any signs of distress.

"I'm ready luvbug" she tells me confidently. I nod my head and walk us over to the door. I open the door making Dante and Alessandro look up.

"RAINBOW" Dante screams once he sees Florence. I watch her smile grow as she waves at him happily.

"Hi Dante" she says perfectly making my own proud smile form.

She's getting better. So much fucking better.

"Baby can you give us one second?" I ask her softly. She nods her head giving me a kiss on the cheek before walking back into the office. I shut the door slightly to make she she can't hear me.

"Dante listen to me very closely because your life fucking depends on it. I'm trusting you with the most important thing in my life. She's everything to me and I'm leaving her in your hands. If I come back and one fucking hair is missing on her head I'll kill you in the most painful way you can imagine. I need you to protect her with your life. Do you understand?" I tell him sternly.

"I'll protect her I promise" he tells me sincerely.

"Call me if she needs anything. If she starts to talk less or look tense call me" I tell him with so much seriousness in my voice.

I never though leaving her would be this hard. Even though we're in the same building it would take me fifteen minutes to get back to her and it only takes a second for something to happen. She's everything to me and if something were to happen to her I would never forgive myself.

"Francisco I've got her you have my word" her tells me confidently.

"Stay in the office. No one comes in under any circumstances. Don't let Luca in no matter what" I tell him everything I can think of to ensure her safety.

"Yes Capo (boss)" he respond while nodding his head. I nod back and open the office door walking in with him. I see Florence on my chair reading a book.

"Bambina (baby)" I call out to her. Her head flys up when she hears my voice and a smile forms on her face.

"I'm leaving baby" I tell her softly. Her smile fades a little bit making me want to tell everyone to fuck off and take her home.

She walks up to me and hugs me very tightly. I hug her back and place a kiss on her forehead.

"Dante is going to stay with you. Call me if you need anything okay. If something happens and Dante can't help you there's a gun under my desk take it and run baby. Don't hesitate. Take it and run" I whisper into her ear not wanting anyone to hear. She nods her head and kisses my chest before she pulls away.

"I'll be okay" she tells me while looking into my eyes. I kiss her lips pulling away after a minute.

"I'll be back sweet girl" I tell her before walking back to the door.

I close the door behind me putting in the code for the room to be secured. Once I'm sure everything is secured I turn to Alessandro.

"Let's go show people how violent I still am" I tell him with a smirk on my face as we walk to the basement.

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