Chapter 2-

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Chapter 2-

I pulled into the first unoccupied parking spot that I could find, and parked my small, green Kia sportage. The spot that I had chosen was pretty far away, but I was glad that It wasn't extremely close. I needed all the time that I could get to mentally prepare myself for the hell that I could possibly be put through today. I accidentily worked my self up so much that my legs felt like they were going to collapse from under me! 

I took a deep breath in and smelt the most amazing fragrance that I had ever had the pleasure of experiencing. The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach went away, and I felt so much more alert than I had  felt  just moments ago. I didn't think much of it though, and to be honest I was relieved that I had regained the strength to move my legs again. I was still scared half to death, but I was hoping that if I could get through my first day of school with minimal damage, then the rest of the year would be easier. I decided that I had spent enough time preparing, and I headed towards the school.

It took me a while, but eventually I found my way to the front office.

"Hello sweetheart! What can I help you with?" A middle aged woman with light brown hair and a huge smile on her face, asked me when I entered the office through the huge glass doors. 

"My name is Cleo Johnson, I came to pick up my schedule." I replied to the friendly woman.

She turned to her computer and began to type at lightning speed. "Ah, here you are." she said handing me my class schedule. She gave me directions on how to get to my first class.

"Thank you!" I said sweetly to the woman, whose name I had learned was Ms. Barns.

Once I had made my way to first block math, I found a seat as far back as I could get, and sat down. I was five minutes early, but I wasn't the first person in the room. There was also a boy who had walked into the room right behind me. He had taken a seat an few rows away, and I could tell that he was watching me. Me being the idiot that I was, turned around and accidentally made direct eye contact with the guy. I hadn't really paid attention to what he looked like when I had first seen him, but now for some reason, I had a need to take in every little detail. 

The mystery guy had gorgeous eyes that were a light shade of seafoam green. His hair was almost the same shade of brown that mine was, and the length of it wasn't short, but it wasn't too long either. He was wearing a tight short sleeve shirt that showed off his tanned, muscular arms. What I wouldn't give to be in those arms right now.

Wait what am I thinking! I don't even know this guy.

I couldn't help but think that I was going completely insane when I realized the level of attraction that I had for this guy, whom I had never even spoken to. Hell, I didn't even know his name!

I had only been looking at him for a few seconds, but it felt like we were looking at eachother for hours. Honestly, I probably could have looked at him for hours. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a small blond haired girl, poking my shoulder with the tip of a fairly sharp pencil. She was sitting in the seat directly in front of me.

"Are you new?" She asked with a questioning look on her face. 

"Um, Yeah. I just moved here." I said giving her a small smile. 

"Let me see this..." She said taking the color coded schedule off of my desk and into her hands where she examined it.

"We have next block together too!" She sounded a little bit over enthusiastic than she probably should have been, but I didn't really care enough about it to acknowledge it. I was too busy staring at the mystery guy who had just gotten out of his seat, and was making his way over towards where We were seated. 

"Come on Jen, if you don't calm down,  your'e going to scare her off before you even introduce your self to her." He said with a deep voice.

"Ugh! Calm down Adam, I was getting to it!" she snapped back rudely to the beautiful guy whose name I assumed was Adam . 

I wanted too punch her so badly for using that tone of voice with him, and I might have to, if Adam hadn't come over and place his tanned hands on my shoulder to calm me down. 

 What the hell s getting into me?


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