LOG 23

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Group name: PENTAGON

Member(s): Shinwon

This was my first PENTAGON live and as much as I was happy to see Shinwon, I was sad because of how disappointed and Sad Shinwon looked which is why no screenshots taken will be posted here to protect Shinwon's image. You know how some netizens can be so brutal to others.The live only went to 5k viewers and I think they deserve more after all that they've been through and all that they worked for. Unfortunately, CUBE doesn't promote them enough or how they should be, so as a UNIVERSE, I want to tell you about these talented boys and I highly suggest listening to Dr. BEBE and Basquiat, two of my favorite PENTAGON songs. You really won't regret listening to them.  They are too talented and hard working to go un noticed.  Nonetheless, I am so proud of each amd every one of the members. STAN PENTAGON 🎤🎶🎶🎶

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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