6- Ranboo

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(3rd person POV)

Everyone's eyes dart over to where Tommy was standing and a wave of smiles flooded their faces, Tommy was often the one to start conversations in the group - either that or make them a lot more enjoyable. He, obviously, did not realise how much he lightened up the lives of everyone around him. 

Tommy walks over and joins them, sitting at the table. He joins in the conversation - which had been about the plans of what they will be doing throughout the week. 

Tubbo excitedly exclaims "We should go paddle boarding after lunch!" Everyone else agrees, Tommy grabs his sleeve under the table then responds "You guys go ahead - I'll watch". This - of course - causes confusion. 

Wilbur says in response "is it because you don't know how to swim child?" Everyone laughs and Tommy sits there, uncomfortable but before anyone notices he quickly says "No! No- I'll come- uh- I just need to go grab something" he stands and swiftly exits the room.

Wilbur looks confused then looks at the others "he's acting weird, he didn't even swear at me for once" the others laugh a bit, and they all shrug.

Tubbo thinks then explains what he saw earlier with Tommy's soar throat "maybe he is sick?"

Phil nods, then Ranboo stands after finishing eating "I'll go and check on him" and with that the tall boy heads upstairs.

(Ranboo POV)

He is acting strange, I doubt it is because he is sick, maybe something else was going on? I don't know. I approach Tommy's door and slowly open the door, I don't think he noticed me. It takes me a minute to realise him crying. "Tommy?" I quickly say and rush over to him. He moves away as I approach and tries to wipe his face to hide it. I sit on his bed next to him. "What's wrong-" I hear his rapid breathing, this was more than just crying. I gently pull his hand away from his face and pull him into a hug in attempts to calm him. "Hey, hey, it's ok" I say in a soft voice. It seems to work as he calms down. I let him go once he calms then look at him, concerned "what's up?"

Tommy looks over at me, his eyes were glossed over. "Uh-" I think he realised he couldn't lie about this. "I can only say if you swear not to tell anyone" his voice was shaking as he spoke, the concern in me grew. 

I reply slowly "of course Tommy.."

He seems hesitant but begins.

!!!!TW!!!! Self harm mentioned

"During high school I was bullied, as you know - it got to a point where I found it unbearable and I uh -" he stops and I look at him. Please don't say what I think you're going to say... 

He continues after a minute "I- uh" his hands begin to shake and he just slowly reaches for his sleeve. No. He rolls it up and I see what I had dreaded. My eyes widen as I nod slowly. "I mean I stopped but I don't want anyone to know" that was a clear lie. I know what new scars look like. 

I sigh then look up at him "Tommy..." I tried to sound normal but there was obvious pain in my voice. He looks at me, he knew I didn't believe him "s-sorry"

"Don't apologise Tommy-" I look at his arm and slowly reach for it "can I-?" He nods and let's me look at his arm, there are some which haven't even healed yet. Worry feels my entire body. "Tommy did- did you do this today?" He looks at me then quickly pulls his arm away. 

He quickly says "I don't want to talk about it-" his voice sounds scared, as if he thinks I'd shout at him or something. I'll talk about it with him later but for now I simply grab a bandage and wrap his arms. I look at him "I know how you can hide this, roll back down your sleeves and come with me". I've dealt with this in the past and know it'll be best to talk to him once he is calm. He nods and does as I say, the two of us get up and I lead him downstairs. I walk back to the others, trying to hide my worry- I hope it works. "Tommy is fine, he just had a headache. I forgot to pack a swimsuit so me and Tommy are going to head out before to go to a shop" I smile at them then walk off. Did I do the right thing not telling them? Yeah. If they knew they'd make a big deal out of it and it could get worse.

Me and Tommy exit the house and walk toward the shop, we are almost silent the whole way and I could tell what he wanted to ask. "I didn't tell them." I look to him and can see a small smile form on his face. We eventually arrive at a shop and grab him and myself a long-sleeved wetsuit, I wouldn't typically wear this but I didn't want him to feel out of place.

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