✮.*・。゚FAIR ✮.*・。゚

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i slowly opened my eyes, the sun shining through my curtains. i attempted to sit up , but was pulled down by something. looking over, i saw tommy asleep with his arms wrapped around me. i lay back down, facing him.

he's so fucking pretty.

slowly, tommy awoke, looking back at me. suddenly, he came to the realisation that his arms were wrapped around me.
" shit ! i'm so sorry!" he panicked, removing them and sitting up. i giggled slightly.
" it's okay tommy!" i sat up too. there was a moment of comfortable silence.
" um, do you want to talk about what happened yesterday now?" he asked me softly.

" yea, how much did you hear?" i responded.
" all of it." he answered.
" oh, then what else do you need to know?" i said.
" i don't know.. are you okay?" he asked me.
" i'm fine, i promise. honestly i'm kind of happy we broke up. he was fucking toxic."

" if only you had a great amazing best friend who warned you..." tommy joked, lightening the mood.
" shut up!" i laughed, shoving him in the shoulder.

we sat there laughing until my phone began to ring. i realised that bill was calling me.

" hey! you're on speaker." i told him once i picked up.
" okay cool! is tommy there?" bill replied.
" yea he's here? what's up?"
" we're all going to a fair nearby today and we were wondering if you guys wanna come too." he told us.
i looked over at tommy and he nodded excitedly.
" yea! we'll be there! message me the details!"


we arrived at the fair and all stepped out of the taxi, thanking the driver.
" IT LOOKS SO FUN!" i screamed happily, running towards the entrance. i stopped running when i turned back and realised how far behind everybody was. i ran back and grabbed tommy's hand, pulling him along with me.

we bought our tickets as a group, before separating to go on different rides. me and tommy headed towards the one called cliffhanger.

( if you don't know what that ride is there is a picture below. basically you sit on it and it goes in circles up and down and makes your stomach go all weird. then they sorta dangle you at the top before dropping you. it's really fun and really fast!!!)

 it's really fun and really fast!!!)

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we got onto the ride and sat down. the guy working there came over and strapped us in. we thanked him before he walked off and strapped everybody else in. we heard the ride begin to start.

" i'm so excited!!!" i screamed and tommy grinned back at me. the ride began to go extremely quickly, spinning us around in circles. everybody on the ride began to scream excitedly. tommy was definitely the loudest there. the ride stopped right at the top, where we could see the whole park. i grabbed tommy's hand out of slight nerves. he grabbed it back, interlocking our fingers and squeezing my hand. suddenly, the ride dropped down to the right.

" holy shit that was so cool!" tommy screamed as the ride stopped.
" i wanna go again!" i shouted back over the loud music.


i hate you. ( not really ) |  tommyinnit x ocWhere stories live. Discover now