①: 𝗘𝗺𝗼 𝗕𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘂𝘀

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Warnings: self-deprecation, horrible names, bad stereotypes, disorders, (purposeful) cringe

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Warnings: self-deprecation, horrible names, bad stereotypes, disorders, (purposeful) cringe.

Image above is Dadus (Glopus)

Image above is Dadus (Glopus)

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Bingus' POV:

'I'm sooo ugly :('
Bingus thought to himself as he looked in the mirror.
Bald, hairless, scrawny, and emo (no offense to the bald scrawny emos).
"Bing! The school bus will be here in 10 minutes~!" Momus shouted from downstairs.

3rd person pov:

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3rd person pov:

Bingus grabbed his backpack filled with all his essentials: Pencils, highlighters, markers, a jacket, 10 dollars, some notebooks, and his phone.

He ran downstairs to the kitchen with his short stubby legs where Momus had prepared breakfast for the rest of the family: Dadus, Lilus, & Bigus


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MOMUS (BLOPUS): Bingus' mom that's a badass and a stay-at-home-wife-&-mother.

DADUS (GLOPUS): Bingus' dad that has nothing productive to do and still mentally lives in the 1950's.

LILUS: Bingus' lil sister that secretly is a criminal mastermind and a mad scientist.

BIGUS: Bingus' big brother that's secretly gay and bullies Bingus just for fun.

BINGUS: he's trans-masc and has insomnia + depression (but then again who doesn't have depression?/HJ)

BINGUS: he's trans-masc and has insomnia + depression (but then again who doesn't have depression?/HJ)

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There were (obviously) five plates on the dinner table with freshly grilled Doritos on them. Bigus is Vegan though, so his plate just has freshly grilled tortilla chips on it.

"Sussy" Lilus said (it's the only word she knows).
"Ewww Bingus you look sooo emo, soooo uncool" Bigus said for absolutely no reason as Dadus nodded in agreement while still reading the Daily-Flop newspaper. "Bigus! Glopus! Don't be rude to Bingus! Especially you Glopus, he's your own son!" Momus yelled in an irritated tone directed towards Bigus and Dadus (Glopus). Dadus grumbled something under his breath hoping that Blopus (Momus) didn't hear, but she did. "Don't mess with me Glopus! I will divorce your ass if you keep opening your mouth and spouting BS" Momus said with each word separated by a bonk on the head with a huge cat paw sandal (it's tradition/ref).

 "Don't mess with me Glopus! I will divorce your ass if you keep opening your mouth and spouting BS" Momus said with each word separated by a bonk on the head with a huge cat paw sandal (it's tradition/ref)

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Bingus' pov:

(Somehow) bored of what's happening in front of me, I shoved all the Doritos into my mouth and chewed as fast as possible. "Bingus stop crunching so loud!" Bigus said to me, I simply ignored him as I continued chewing like as if I'm eating a nature valley snack bar.

After finishing up my breakfast as well as cleaning off the cheese dust from my face with a napkin I waited for the school bus to arrive. Momus was still talking to Dadus about being a good dad and husband, Bigus was on his phone playing Angry Birds, and Lilus was also done with her food and was playing with her 'FlopSoldier' toy.


I heard the school bus blare it's loud as fuck horn, thus I picked up my backpack and ran outside to the bus.

I heard the school bus blare it's loud as fuck horn, thus I picked up my backpack and ran outside to the bus

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A/N:: Sussy

A/N:: Sussy

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(FIN) ❥ 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗼𝘂𝘀!𝗕𝗶𝗴 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗮 𝘅 𝗘𝗺𝗼!𝗕𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘂𝘀♡Where stories live. Discover now