Chapter 20

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    The clearing that hung under the thick leaf crown of the pine trees, was filled with excited meows and buzzing activity all around the camp. You settled near the cozy safety of the nursery, rasping your tongue on the uncooperative kits who couldn't contain their energy, tail tips twitching in impatience for the coming meeting to finally began. Even your pelt prickled with excitement, but who wouldn't be happy and delightful when their kits are becoming apprentices in just a matter of seconds?

     "And make sure to tell me everything you learnt after every training! Understood?",  you murmured, somewhat worried that with this ceremony, your kits will forget you and concentrate only on their training to become respected and powerful warriors like their father. 

      "We will Mom" Tawnykit mumbled slowly, while her brother let out a stiffed chuckle, nodding his head swiftly.

     With a soft purr of amusement, you hushed them towards the ShadeRock, Tigerstar already taking his place on the boulder, a warm and proud face masked by the stern expression he showed the clan. The brown tabby tom cleared his throat, preparing the ceremony speech.

     "May all cats old enough to lurk in the shadows, gather around the ShadeRock for a clan meeting!", his voice rang across the camp clear and loud, catching the attention of many.

     Cats emerged from the warmth of the dens or the peaceful conversations they took part in, making their way near the meeting rock, saving a spare space for the twitching, inpatient apprentices. 

     "Bramblekit, Tawnykit, you have reached the age of six moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw. Bramblepaw, your mentor will be Blackfoot, while Oakfur will mentor Tawnypaw.", Tiger'star announced, finishing the ceremony with a dismissal flick of his tail.

     You marched towards your kits, purring in happiness for them. Your mate made his way down the rock, nuzzling you and the newly made apprentices quickly.

     "I got to handle something real quick, I'll be back, don't worry" he murmured quietly into your ear, with a following silent chill which run down along your spine. The tom padded away towards the entrance, disappearing through the shadows of the shady forest.

     You stared after him, suspicion clouding your head. What now? You asked yourself, yet decided to let it flow away, as far away as it could just to keep this day at its happiest. You decided to lay your trust on him, trying to understand and accept his plans, but a doubt filled mind was genuinely a hard thing to control.

     While your kits marched away towards their mentors, leaving you completely alone with only distant murmurs of your clanmates, you sat down with a thump, staring at the entrance with a wave of uncontrollable thoughts flooding your mind. All you could hope for he doesn't do anything harmful, anything that could hurt yours, or your kit's feelings, anything that would make the already pelt bristling situation worse. 

     Shaking your head, in a poor attempt of shaking your trouble away, you forced yourself to rise to your paws, making your way to the warriors den. You didn't sleep, it was still dusk, though the fascinating view of the sunset was hidden by the thick patch of trees that shadowed and camouflaged the horizon. Placing your head gently on your paws, you let your eye wander from cat to cat, seeing the dusk patrol head out with the newly made apprentices leaving for a night shadow training as their first session. Everything seemed at place, at peace, at harmony for now. Yet you couldn't feel the same rising energy those other cats felt who resided in the clan. Even... even Tigerstar had some hidden fleck of worry and doubt in his eyes... but as he told you, not once, It's to late to turn back...

a/n. there is a very slim chance that im gonna rewrite/edit this whole thing and then continue the book.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2023 ⏰

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