Chapter one: First day of 7th grade

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Just the sight of cupcakes just make me drool! I could eat a whole tray if I could! But as soon as I tried to grab one, the horrible ringing sound of a alarm woke me up. Oh right today is the first day of 8th grade, how could I forget! but maybe 5 more minutes of sleep, I mean it is 5 am and I'm pretty sure school starts at 7:30 I have enough time for a little bit more sleep, right. I tucked right back in and forgot to put a alarm. A large pan being banged on woke me up! "What do you want mooom!.. ugh its 5:00 in the morning, why are you even awake!" I said hangry. "Well let's just say this... it's now 7:00 missy! how could you forget to put an alarm for dear sakes. at this point you might not even eat breakfast!"

"Breakfast?!? but that's the most important meal of the day!". I said stunned "Well if you could've been more responsible, maybe you could've eaten the pancakes I made with love mi hija!" replied my mother. Jeez I really messed up this time, but surely they would have food at school right? "Now get out of this bed! we don't have all day you know!!". I might've gotten a whooping but thankfully even we couldn't spend time on that! 

As I struggle to put on some of my pants from last year, I realize they don't fit me anymore. "Ah! Come on did I really put on another 10 pounds since like a year ago?!?" It didn't really bother me that I was considered overweight, but it's the fact that those jeans were my favorite of favorites! So without a choice, I put on this hideous pants that have a unicorn on it, personally picked by my mom. Like mother I'm not in elementary anymore, maybe before then but no, I'm a changed person! But I was in a damn rush, so there was no complaining. luckily my favorite shirt was oversized so it still fitted me. Not much to do with the hair either so I guess I'm going out like this.

It was 7:15 already?!? The drive at school is like 9 minutes away. "Hey honey since we have some time to spare, I will only give you some pancakes. SOME!" Mom knew I didn't like eating in the car because it was all bumpy, and it made me want to vomit a little. "Okay, okay jeez don't make that big of assumptions of me!" but they were true, I was just to hangry to admit it. As I realized it had my favorite syrup of it, I devoured it. and took another, and another, and another. When mom came back she looked like pale like a ghost. "Mamita.. some of those pancakes were for mummy!". Guess I got a little carried away.

7:23! We had to go right now or else we would be late for school so mom rushed my lunch, and maybe missed a pickle or two on my sandwich but what can I say! The ride was bumpy as usual but my heart was pounding each time we went a feet closer to school. I did transfer after all due to moving to the poorer sides, but that didn't bother me much. "Just so you remember, no talking about a-" but before mother can finish her sentence, I reply "yeah mom, I know I know, don't need to tell me for the 12th time". I said annoyed.

Mom was talking about anime. I got bullied a lot for it saying how it wasn't cool and stuff like that, but I couldn't shut up about it. Anime has such a prestigious art style, but it was hated on because the popular people never liked it. My personal favorite was sailor moon I always said, but people looked annoyed to the way I excitingly talked about it. It was one of the small reasons we moved, my mother was so worried about her precious baby, but I personally didn't give a fudge. If people didn't like me, then It's their problem not mine. just saying all of those things in my mind made time fly so fast. because we were already there, basically near the front entrance.

"Now then, Mummy loves you and hopes you have a good day at school, okay?" She said caring. "Yeah yeah bye mom, I love you!" I said nervously. Just taking a step to my first class was making me nervous. I truly did care about making a good impression. a step away from my classroom when I suddenly slip! Swoop! BANG! I landed on my butt! in front of everyone too! The teacher wasn't here yet and a boy started chuckling, He had a varsity jacket so I am assuming he's a football player or a jock.

"Look at that! Lucas really wasn't lying when he put a banana at the front of the door, for the new girl of course" a unknown girl snickers. "Wow she's really ugly then I thought!" A boy laughs with his friends. I didn't care about the fact he laughed, I cared at the fact he called me ugly! sure I don't have the regular weight for a girl but still had a pretty cute face I must admit. "How embarrassing! first day of 7th grade and she's already fumbling the bag!" another girl comments. ouch! my ears this time though. It was so high pitched, I doubt that girl has even gone through puberty yet without a doubt!

I stand right up without a struggle and decides to take a seat in the corner without talking. If these people really were to laugh and make fun of me JUST because I slipped, they are not worth any of my time at all. I have a lot of self confidence, more then you would think! suddenly a girl from the big group walks up to my table and says "Sorry they're making fun of you, but personally I think you deserve better!"

A girl in her group starts snickering while one of them tries to hush her, but as the gullible person I am, I start talking to her. she seemed really nice! a bit too nice.. but what matters! at least someone was talking to me. As soon as the teacher walked in everyone took a seat at their desk. The teacher introduced me as Valentina, A new student transferred from Norway. Please behave kindly and no hateful comments okay?

I just knew the teacher was judging me before he can say more stuff. Why else would everyone not be making mean comments, oh wait that's right! its my figure, but again i really couldn't care less. Rest of the school day was normal I guess. I get decent grades so I should be set. But I couldn't help but notice that all of the teachers were making comments like "Don't say hateful comments!". It was either everyone here was shit or she was directing it at my figure. I would go with both options. But what really hinted judgement and weirdness was of course my gym teacher.

Mr. Moro was the gym teacher, he was quite fit other then the gym teachers I've had. It would make sense that they would hire him but what they didn't take to consideration is his "actions" He would sometimes peek at the boys and girls changing room which was Hella weird. I couldn't tell if he was attracted to the boys, or the girls, or just into youngsters. I also noticed the window could be seen by behind. but as again I couldn't care less, everyone was rude to me and I had a locker no where to be seen by the see through me. He also wouldn't have eyes on me either, I didn't have a very "beautiful" figure so I just don't think I am a target.

As soon as I got home, I took a nap to the point I missed dinner on accident. I was exhausted. The next day was normal I guess I got ready and went to school but the girl who talked to me previously, invited me to lunch and we became friends! well just not good friends. It was kind of clear she was just using me to get a better image on her friends and her. But what friends do I truly have other then these girls? Exactly, nobody! so I just had to take the rotten leftovers instead of being hungry. they gave me protection and stuff but did not have a good personality. I just hope the other days aren't as difficult as yesterday. The kids calmed down on their bullying after realizing I didn't give a fuck about their opinions, so they just judged afar, what are bullies when all they do is judge you, these guys were amateurs in bullying because for example my bully from my old school tried and tried to shake me down to the core. But the strong women I am, I am quite still living and chilling. As soon as I go home I'm eating dinner and going to sleep! God I'm tired.

True disgustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora