Chapter 9: First Experience of Love

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Third Person POV

(T'Zuri's Apartment)

Faira woke up, groggily, and she sat up but hurt her wounded shoulder, "You were bleeding at my doorstep, I took care of you." a voice said and Faira turned to see T'Zuri meditating in front of her "What are you doing?" Faira asked "Meditating...helps me with my personalities." T'Zuri said and Faira weakly stood up, "I came to you for help, not meditation." Faira said annoyed "Well, we could've left ya bleeding out...but we didn' you owe us, yeah?" Aran said and Faira was taken back by the attitude, T'Zuri sighed "Forgive me...that Aran, one of my personalities." T'Zuri said and Faira sighed "It's...fine...but I need your help." Faira said and T'Zuri stood up, "What is it, you need my help with?" T'Zuri asked and Faira sat down "A traitor of Atlantis known as Tigershark, tried to assassinate King Namor...I followed him but he wounded me." Faira said and T'Zuri raised an eyebrow "Why did he betray him?" T'Zuri said and Faira had an angry look "He is working with a company known as Roxxon...he promised them Atlantiean technology and he was they would help him take the throne." Faira said "You need my help to find him?" T'Zuri asked "Yes, you...have a unique skill set." Faira said and T'Zuri chuckled "Very well, do you know his whereabouts?" T'Zuri asked and Faira pulled out a device "Tracker...he's in a facility located in the vicinity of the Statue of Liberty." Faira said and T'Zuri's suit formed around him, "Are you well enough for battle?" T'Zuri asked and Faira nodded then grabbed her trident, "How are we getting there?" Faira asked and T'Zuri started heading to the roof, "On foot." T'Zuri stated and Faira followed him to the roof.

(Vicinity of the Statue of Liberty: Night)

Black Panther and Water Snake arrived in the vicinity, "Are you they are here?" Black Panther anther asked "I can sense the flow of water, Wakandan...I am sure." Water Snake said and stood up on the railing and dived into water, everyone looked at them confused, Black Panther sighed and activated his Submergence Mode and flipped over the railing into the water, "She's feisty...I ought to teach her manners.~" Aran said and Black Panther sighed "You're not going to hurt her, Aran." Black Panther said "Oh, not like that...but in a more pleasurable way." Aran said and Black Panther groaned "She is beautiful, we should ask her out." Shalom said and Black Panther was annoyed "We are not asking her out." Black Panther said and Water Snake chuckled "I can hear you." Water Snake said and Black Panther face palmed, Water Snake swam in front of Black Panther, they were face to face "Even if you wanted to ask me wouldn't be able to handle me, Wakandan.~" Water Snake said with a bit of flirtation, she continued swimming and Black Panther smiled a bit "Or maybe we should." Black Panther said and followed her.

(Roxxon Facility)

Black Panther and Water Snake hiding behind seaweed, they saw Roxxon soldiers loading Atlantiean tech, inside the facility, "We must attack now!" Water Snake said about to attack but Black Panther stopped her "No...we do this quietly...we don't need to raise alarm." Black Panther said and Water Snake scoffed "A coward's way of fighting." Water Snake said "It's not cowardly...if we're being strategic." Black Panther said and Water Snake sighed "Fine, we go in, take them down, then what?" Water Snake said and Black Panther tilted her head "Then we take down Tigershark." Black Panther said pointing at him and Water Snake smiled "Very well, Wakandan." Water Snake said and the two swam inside the facility.


Black Panther and Water Snake were out of the water and inside The facility, they were walking through the shadows quietly, several soldiers walked past and they took them down fast and hard, they continued walking through the facility without being seen, "I still think we should've gone with my plan." Water Snake said "If I may interject, I am very curious to ask you questions about Atlantis, is it like people say it is?" Shalom asked and Water Snake raised an eyebrow "Another personality, I'm presuming?" Water Snake said and Black Panther nodded "That was Shalom, my happier and pacific side." Black Panther said and he heard more guards coming, he quickly pinned Water Snake to a wall "What are you-" Water Snake asked but Black Panther shushed her, they saw the guards pass, "They're gone...for now at least." Black Panther said and looked at Water Snake "Sorry." Black Panther said and Water Snake blushed "Can you...back up from me?" Water Snake asked and Black Panther did so, the two awkwardly continued their way through the facility.

(Control Room)

Black Panther and Water Snake entered the control room and saw a soldier sitting at a console "You guys are back already? You got my sandwich?" the soldier said and turned to see Black Panther and Water Snake, "Oh...crap." the soldier said and Water Snake knocked him out, "We need to rig the facility to blow...we just have to-" Black Panther said but then tackled Water Snake out of the way of Tiger Shark lunging at them, "Water Snake...teaming up with an Wakandan? You disgrace Atlantis." Tigershark said and Water Snake was angry "You've disgraced Atlantis by trying to assassinate our king!" Water Snake said and Tigershark scoffed "Namor's gone soft! Making peace with Wakandans! The same people who drove us into the sea in the first place!" Tigershark said and Water Snake was about to attack but Black Panther stopped her " are still hurt...I will deal with him, activate the self-destruct sequence." Black Panther said and activated his claws, he and Tigershark started fighting with each other, Black Panther slashed his chest then kicked him in the face, Black Panther then leapt to a wall and got his daggers and pounced at Tigershark, and stabbed him with his daggers, Tigershark growled and grabbed Black Panther and slammed him into the ground, Tigershark grabbed his dagger and tried to stab Black Panther who moved his head in time, "Die Wakandan!" Tigershark said and Water Snake was working on the console "Primitive tech...there we go." Water Snake said and pressed button causing a countdown, Tigershark looked and was shocked "No!" Tigershark said and Black Panther headbutted him and kicked him off, he activated his purple lightning and slashed Tigershark across the face, Tigershark was stunned and Black Panther knocked him with a well placed nerve strike, "We need to" Black Panther said and picked up Tigershark and the two started quickly leaving the facility.


Black Panther and Water Snake arrived on the surface of the Statue of Liberty, everyone looked at them confused "You all might want to step back." Black Panther said and water splashed up in the air, landing on everyone, Water Snake chuckled and Black Panther raised an eyebrow "What?" Black Panther asked "That was a good plan, Wakandan." Water Snake said and Black Panther smiled a bit "Thank you...and you can call me T'Zuri." Black Panther said and Tigershark groaned "Stop with the flirtation..." Tigershark said and Water Snake smirked "How's this for flirtation?" Water Snake said and to Black Panther's surprise, she kissed him on the cheek, she then grabbed Tigershark and started dragging him behind her, she looked at Black Panther and smirked "Till next time we meet...Prince T'Zuri." Water Snake said and dived in the water, leaving with Tigershark, Black Panther was shocked then smiled "Till next time we meet...Faira." Black Panther said and stood up and left the Statue of Liberty.

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