An unexpected sigh reached his ears, wise and gentle. Hanako melted with relief - of course, the Tree would give him advice!

"Thank you! I knew you'd understand-" Hanako began, but the Tree's words cut his.

"She's coming."

The phrase silenced the crowd.

In the other side of the garden, Y/N fought through her dizzying emotions. She felt her heart was going to burst, her soul ascend without her, the butterflies in her stomach invite a whole zoo... but one look at Hanako in the distance, who looked just as nervous as her - somehow, peculiarly, magically - got back on her feet.

Gentle music filled everyone's ears. Sakura stood in a conductor's suit, waving a baton in her right hand. Before her was a select choir of Mokke and Orphaned, who swayed to the beat as they played their instruments. 

Y/N had read about weddings in books before, but it wasn't those stories that were guiding her now. Her heart willed her onward as she took slow steps, like she was learning to walk for the first time. 

There was so much going on around her. The Mokke making elephant noises as they blew into their tissues... the Orphaned quickly passing them more... Yako the fox watching proudly, curled up next to Tsuchigomori, who, for the first time, did not carry his pipe. On the other side: the Geisha, with a wistful look... Temari, who vehemently argued to Stain that he was not crying... and Angelo, with a finally-not-so-chilling smile. 

All of these; the music... the setting sun... was a blur. She could only focus on the boy before her, and when she finally stood before him, under that Tree that had become the keeper of many unforgettable moments, a helpless smile found its way to her face.

The music stopped. Everyone's eyes - Wonder and human - settled on the two cloaked ghosts.

"We are gathered here tonight, to set things as they should." The Confession Tree began, nearly seizing Y/N from her reverie. But one look at Hanako - who looked like he was going to collapse -  and she felt lightheaded again.

"As we all know, Sakura and Kamome have a Rift, both tangible and intangible, and we were almost made enemies. But now the storm has passed, and we have these two courageous, bold, and talented youngsters to unite our two sides. 

First. 7th Wonder of Kamome, do you agree to defend our school, and keep its balance with Y/N, until fate wills it not?"

Although Hanako trembled, his reply was firm. "I do."

The Tree continued.

"And you, 7th-to-be Wonder of Sakura, do you agree to defend your school, and keep its balance with Hanako, until fate wills it not?"

"Yes." Y/N blurted, cried inside when she realized she said the wrong thing, then shut herself up when two figures emerged from behind the Tree.

It was Mitsuba, who walked over to her side - and Kou, who walked over to Hanako's. Both held a black pillow that each carried an odd, shiny thing. Y/N racked her brain to remember what it was...

"A mermaid scale?" Y/N couldn't help guessing aloud. And to her surprise, Hanako replied with a smile-

"Even if we're ghosts, we should be bound, right?"

Y/N's eyes shone. From tears? Happiness? Memories? Perhaps it was all. She and Hanako took them, and as they ate it the Confession Tree grandly boomed-

"You may now kiss!"

"AHHHH!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!"

Y/N stumbled back at the Mokke's scream. Suddenly the Kamome Wonders were in defensive positions, the Sakura rearing into offensive, eyes once full of emotion now full of accusation.

[Who Dies] T-B Hanako-kun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now