Chapter 14

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Robin was taken back to the Batcave where Batman sprayed him with Bat-wax solvent.

"I'm not one given to trite sayings, Robin. I'd say Sam got you out of that spray wax chamber in the nick of time" said Batman.

"I did?" said Sam.

"Yes, Sam, you did and it's to your credit" said Batman.

"Thanks to those underwater swimming lessons you gave me, Batman. I could have held my breath a while longer" said Robin. 

Then he kissed Sam on the cheek and said "Thanks for getting me outta there, baby".

"Aw, gawrsh, Robin. T'weren't nothing" said Sam.

"How did you get outta that key duplicator, Batman?" said Charles Wallace.

"I jammed the machinery with a simple house key that I carry in my utility belt in case we're locked up. When the cutting blade retracted, the vice automatically opened. The Joker was none too sophisticated with his brilliant changes and innovations. A good lesson to all of you: always carry an extra key" said Batman.

"I'd say you were all lucky to be still alive" said Alfred.

"And stupid to have walked into that trap in the first place" said Robin.

"Without danger, the game grows cold" said Calvin. 

"Precisely, Calvin. Little is game without risk" said Batman.

"True indeed, sir. Uh, now, if I may be permitted, Mrs Cooper has invited her whist group to lunch. I promised I'd serve it punctually at one, sir" said Alfred.

"Of course, Alfred" said Batman.

Alfred left as Robin put his gloves back on. 

"Anyway, at least we know where the Joker's hideout is" said Robin.

"I hardly think that Mr Clavier Ankh and his crafty cohorts will be found at that address, Robin" said Batman.

"What do we do?" said Sam.

"If Mohammed won't come to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed" said Charles Wallace.

"Precisely, Charles Wallace. Like Mohammed, we must wait until the mountain comes to us again" said Batman.

The Impractical Joker/The Joker's ProvokersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora