Prologue -The Proposal

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Deathbringer was very nervous, what if she says no? He thought anxiously as he flew through the rainforest, then as he got closer to the Royal Palace he felt even more nervous, and his forehead started sweating. I need to calm down, I need to keep my cool for the plan to work, he thought as he took a deep breath and his strong emotions started to fade away, then he was closer, so close that he noticed that Glory was sitting on the balcony looking out on the horizon like if she was guarding the area.

He landed next to her and he felt she knew it was him because she didn't even flinch or even turn to look back at him, she just sat there plainly and gazed at the beautiful Rainforest Kingdom.

"Hello, your majesty," He said with his very charming smug face.

Glory exhaled slowly through her nose then she turned around and shot him an unreadable look and said "Do you need something, I just woke up from suntime, and let me tell you I am not in the mood for any of the jokes you play,"

Oh no, Three moons how could I be so dumb and why in the world did I choose the surprise after suntime? Oh my If only I knew my Girlfriend any better-..., He panicked and just spat it out awkwardly, "Um, well then... I got a surprise for you," but she looked hesitant immediately just as he mentioned the surprise "Just follow me," he quickly added almost blabbering since he started to feel extremely awkward, he quickly turned around and flew off the balcony. Glory clearly looked confused for a moment but then she flew after him.

After a few minutes of flying, she noticed that they were flying straight to the big tree that was planted in the middle of the rainforest and was also known as the Banyan Tree.

When they got closer she noticed that the tree was decorated with colorful vines and different types of gorgeous flowers, there were also colorful candles placed around the area.

Aww, this is adorable I can't believe he can be this romantic,  Glory thought with a smile. 

They started to lower down to the ground, as they landed. Deathbringer took her talons & gazed at her gorgeous green eyes, please don't be awkward, He told himself.   "um..." he stuttered but then continued "...I love you so much," Her eyes widened & she blushed ¨I-I... I love you too" She stammered & smiled shyly, He smiled at her as well & then said to her "So I um... will you be my wife?", that is really unexpected Glory thought as she felt some specks of gold & magenta appear on her scales (Means: Excitement & Love) "..YES," She said suddenly as her scales turned bright pink in happiness, Omg she said YES! I can't believe it! I am so Happy! I bet if I were a Rainwing I would be bright pink as well, thought Deathbringer, & he gave Glory a hug and she was too happy even to care.

They gently twined their tails together, I am Engaged! I can't believe it, OMG this is so exciting! I can't wait to tell my friends! I Wonder how they will react! I wonder how the tribes will respond! At least they're finally going to have a king!-...Glory thought with excitement, she felt all her happy thoughts swarming around her head unorganized.

after a moment He made his charming smug face again, Glory swatted his face with her tail and he barely managed to avoid that hard hit. He grinned at her, "STOP WITH THAT FACE" She shouted loudly "IT IS GETTING ON MY NERVES".

Deathbringer nodded quickly.

"I don't know how our friends will react," Deathbringer said to her "But what I do know is that tsunami is not the biggest fan of our relationship and I think she will absolutely disagree with our engagement," He added rapidly

"I am honestly wondering how are we gonna tell everyone not just her, also including the kingdom," she wished and wished at that moment that all the answers would just pop right into her head, but they didn't. I guess we will figure out that later, she thought.

"I guess we must do a grand party" Deathbringer joked.

Glory clearly did not feel the good part of the joke, but he was right! They must do a grand party, the kingdoms must show the importance of this marriage.

"Well I can't disagree with you, we do need a Super-Duper Grand Party!," Glory said with a hint of excitement at the end.

"But don't worry whatever happens... it will be soon," He said softly. She quietly nodded and he hugged her and added a gentle kiss.

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