Part 2

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Danielle was crying. I was crying. Her sister was crying. Her mum was crying. Her dad was bawling. Everyone was a blubbering mess and it was so beautiful. I could heard the photographer snapping away pictures as we all stood in awe as Danielle had emerged from the private dressing room of the bridal suite in her dress. She'd gone for typical princess ballgown. Tight across her chest making her cleavage look great, and yes I'd added an excessive amount of body shimmer to her boobs. If you couldn't be a little extra on your wedding day, when could you. Puffing out at her waist into a beautiful shimmering ray of layers upon layers of net. It was typically her and she looked mesmerising. We cooed and ahed for another few moments before I clapped my hands and went round with the Champagne, giving everyone a top up before the bottle ran dry.

"Drink up, folks. It's time we made this bride a Mrs" 

Danielle game over to me and gave me the tightest squeeze, pulling away and holding onto my shoulders, looking me up and down. She'd dressed me and the other bridesmaids in a silk teal dress, hugging in all the right places. Something that many years ago I'd have point blank refused to wear, but since taking up the gym and having regular sessions with Andrew, I'd grown some shape and I felt pretty incredible if I did say so myself. She smiled and gave my shoulders a squeeze, before picking up her glass of Champagne from the table at the side of us and downing it in one.

"That's the spirit" I chuckle, on queue for the marriage officiant to knock on the door to tell us there was an anxious groom downstairs thinking his bride had ran off with someone else. We all laugh and take one last glance over ourselves in the mirror, spraying my favourite 'Tiffany & Co' perfume across the surface of my body. 

It's only a short walk from the bridal suite to the back of the ceremony room but all the while the marriage officiant explains to us how the ceremony will run. As maid of honour, I'm to walk down the aisle first. Followed by Danielles sister, her friend from work who was another bridesmaid, then followed by the blushing bride and her father. 

When we reach the ceremony room, my heart starts to flutter. I'm not a nervous person usually, I could talk to anyone about anything for hours and I was few glasses of Champagne deep, so I was feeling pretty confident. But just knowing that all eyes would be on me, if only for a second before they diverted to the back of the room again to await the bride, it made me shudder. That and knowing my ex boyfriend would be stood up with the groom, and apart from an instagram photo or news article, it would be the first time I had seen him for 5 years. 

Of course Austins name had cropped up in conversation over the past week. It had to, he was the best man at my best friends wedding. That and I had of course told Andrew about us. In our 6 month relationship I had managed to avoid Austins name even once. Of course we had spoken about past relationships, I feel that was normal in any new relationship, but I had never told him who he was. I wasn't sure he would know of his name, but his eyes widened the minute I told him. 

"Austin Butler?! THE Austin Butler? ... ELVIS?!"

I rolled my eyes at his obvious shock but told him that yes, Austin Butler, the leading role in the new Elvis film, was in fact my ex boyfriend of 7 years. 

"Fuck. I was gonna ask if you wanted to go see that next weekend too." 

It had taken a lot of reassurance from then. Andrew immediately thinking he wasn't good enough for me, asking if I would find it weird being near him again, the usual stuff. I understood, of course. I can't imagine spending the day with on his ex girlfriends, Hollywood superstar or not, so I answered his questions and assured him he was everything I had been waiting for, and he felt a lot calmer and at ease about the whole thing. 

I was pulled out of my transfix by a hand on my arm and I look straight up, a little startled, to see my best friends face. 

"Look straight at Brad. Don't let them eyes wonder." She gives me a reassuring squeeze and I smile, facing forward and hearing the pionaist play the first chimes to the entrance song as the marriage officiant opens the door and I take the first step. My eyes find Brads immediately. He's already welling up and in turn it makes me do the same. Despite Danielle being my best friend, Brad was too, and we shared too fond a memories for this to NOT be emotional. My eyes scan the many friends and family that had gathered for the day, all stood up and smiling at me, before my eyes find Andrew. He's at the front, in the chair behind Danielles mum who's situated in the first seat at the aisle and he gives me a reassuring smile. He's wore a dark navy suit and a pink tie, not really sure it matches the bridesmaid dress but he looks handsome as ever. His muscular arms threatening to rip the seams at any minute. I smile back at him and give him a small wink before facing back to Brad and making my way down the aisle.

I promised you. | Austin ButlerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя