"You don't look like the type of girl who would be interested in swords." Kankuro comments staring at me.

"Oh?" I say and look closer at it admiring the sharpness of the blade and the curves of the handle.  "Thought about giving it a try."

"Well, it never hurts to learn something new once in a while."

I force a small smile forming on my lips as I step away from the shop.

The two of us walk side by side down the street.

"Kankuro!" Temari calls out for him. We come to a halt and turn around. "What are you two doing?"

"We are getting some food before we escort Yumi back to the leaf." Kankuro replies.

"Oh yeah, I forgot we are supposed to take her back today." Temari said. "Well I'm joining for you two for food! Im famished!"

Gaara walks up to us three eyeing me. "Let's hurry and get this over with." He says.

We sit down and order our food and made small chit chat.

"Are you sure you only want fruit?" Temari asks me. I nod not looking up from my bowl.

"Why do you always look so mean?" Kankuro questions.

I look over at him. "Then stop staring at me." What's his deal?

Temari laughs and Gaara gives a small smile at me that I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to see.

"Your really are a little spitfire aren't you?" Temari comments. I shrug my shoulders. "She reminds me of you Gaara."

"She talks too much to be like me." Garra mumbles.

"Yeah, but she always looks like she has a mean face going on." Kankuro says poking my cheek.

I freeze and turn to him. "Then. Stop. Staring." I smack his hand away from my face. "And don't touch me." I hiss.

"I'm going to miss you when you're gone already. I don't even know much about you but I love how you put up with Kankruo." Temari laughs finishing up her food.

"Yeah, I'm ready to be home also." I say also finishing up my and lean back. "I'm ready to see my grandfather." I would be better if Kakashi wouldn't have left me.

"What not excited to see your parents?" Temari asks. I freeze and look down. I really don't want to go there.

Kankuro speaks up. "She doesn't like talking about it Temari."

"What, you spend a few minutes with her an you know he life story?" Temari teases.

"Are we ready?" Gaara interrupts, I mentally thank him for changing the subject. "We can leave now and be in the village by morning."

We all nod our heads, now in an awkward tension between us. We go back to the cabin me and Kakashi were staying at so I can grab my bag and we exit the Sand village gates. We travel through the night and I can finally see the gates of the village. I take off into a sprint to the gates and stand there looking around at the shops looks over to see the two guards bickering about something again causing me to sweatdrop.

They pause and look over to me. "It's about time you are back!" Izumo shouts. I've become pretty close to them for the most part. Usually I'm just bored and sit with them while they argue, it's pretty funny.

"Yeah, Iruka just started the final test!" Kotesu says writing something down.

"Oh crap! I gotta go!" I say turning to the Sand siblings. "Thank you guys so much." I send a small bow to them and then start to run off.

Butterflies and Puppets Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora