I like you

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You had only smoked with your siblings before so this was so weird. You knew that eventually you would have to figure it out if you wanted to do it on your own so you walked up to him during lunch.

"Uh, hi Eddie." You said, your voice small, his head shot to yours as he squinted at you.

"Hello?" Eddie replied, looking at you confused while his friends carried on their conversations.

"I was wondering if I could meet up with you sometime?" You asked, shyly. Eddie cocked his head at you in question before nodding his head slowly.

"For like? Drugs?" Eddie questioned, his eyes continuing to meet yours.

"Well um yeah, and we can hang out too. I don't have a bunch of money but-." You started.

"No yeah, meet me at my place around 8?" Eddie suggested.

"Yeah sure." You replied, sheepishly.

"Do you need a ride?" Eddie offered, you shook your head.

"I live a couple trailer's down." You grinned softly, the need to smile overcoming you as Eddie looks at you. You don't understand the feeling wavering over you, probably excitement. Eddie smiles at you before you walk away.

He looks towards the table drumming his thumb against table as he grins before meeting the eyes of Dustin. "What?"

"Nothing." He murmured, giving him a knowing smile before looking away.

To Dustin's defensive he was the only one who knew about Eddie's crush on you. There was just something about you, weither it was shy demeanor or kind heart, he couldn't pin-point, but it had always been that way. He's had an infatuation with you since sitting in the back of one of Literature classes he had to take. That's when he had really taken a liking to you, especially with a class he hated. You would always raise your hand, always giving out ideas even when no one in the classroom would talk. Or the teacher, she'd just assume you would have something to say so she'd call on you, usually you knew the answer.

But you weren't like that in every class or any other teacher. He noticed that you were always walking into the room with that teacher and just hanging out? Taking all the Literature and English classes? (He had only known their was a difference because he asked Dustin) You were quiet with other teachers, you seemed to have high anxiety, something he noticed made the popular kids talk about you, about how weird you were. He knew the feeling, but for opposite reason you were very quiet and he was very loud.

So the fact that you came up to him, even just to ask for drugs, which was surprising thing by itself, was close to earth shattering for the poor guy. But the grin on his face lasted throughout the day and into the night when he was waiting around you. You had walked over to his place a little before 8, knocking on his door while straightening your shirt out before Eddie opened the door with a smile.

"Welcome in." Eddie greeted, opening the door for you to walk in, you smile at him before doing so. "Um usually my uncle works nights but he's home, so would it be okay if we hung out in my room?" he asked.

"Yeah, no problem." You replied, nodding your head as your fingers clasped together nervously. Eddie led you back to his room and quickly kneeled down to shove something under his bed, you giggled at this your hand raising to your mouth.

"You can sit." Eddie said, pulling out the chair to his desk and spinning it around for you.

"Thank you." You replied, nervously, you were incredibly awkward, your leg tapping lightly.

"You're just wanting some pot right?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah." You nodded with the words as he opened what you thought was his lunchbox and pulled out a blunt.

Eddie Munson/Joseph Quinn one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now