its you.

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angst and fluff yay !! are you excited 😻
-abuse mentions

i just realized that some of my ig and tt mutuals might be reading this without knowing it's me...

also i'm going to post an announcement introducing myself a little bit :)

3rd person

finney and robin were boyfriends.

they weren't ashamed but , finney was scared.

his dad, he abused him and gwen.

and if he ever found out that he even was interested in men that would be it.

when finney talked about robin to his dad for advice he'd use the name donna.

in finneys explanation of  donna , she was a brunette girl , with brown eyes, perfect pink lips.

basically robin, but more feminine.

finneys dad liked that finney was talking about women and talking to them.

since his dad was drunk a lot he couldn't focus.

when he met "donna" for the first time. it was gwen with a dark brown wig.

he couldn't even tell.

"i'm so happy" robin said walking finney home

"why" finney says turning his head

"because we r finally together."


"FINNEY" finney turns his head back

"is this donna?" finneys dad says smiling.

"uhm no this is my friend robin" finney says turning his head to robin

robin looked hurt

he didn't know about the troubles at home

"hello sir" robin says slightly smiling to not be rude

finney was scared

"oh nice to meet you, i didn't know my finney boy had friends. anyways good day, see you at home finney"

once he walked away robin was pissed

"WHOS DONNA" robin says yelling tears falling out of his eyes

"robin i swear, my dad he's abusive and if he found out about us h-he would kill me"

"wow. do you decided to make up a GIRL named donna? strange because you told me uu use to like a. girl named donna"

"no i don't like her anymore I haven't seen her in years, i like you i love you robin i just can't take that risk yet" finney says, his eyes starting to blur.

"whatever finn, we are gonna talk about this later" robin says walking away

"fuck fuck" finney says walking home with tears filling his eyes.

robin felt guilt.

he wished that finn had told him sooner, making him feel upset

he felt un trusted

robin knew finney loved him a lot. he shows it.

but robin wished he didn't hide it.

make sure to check out the announcement once it's out !!

anyways prt 2 laterrrr

robin and finney (rinney)one shots :)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora