"What do you want, Mereneith?" Sef yelped.

"We need to get in to the temple and you're going to help us."

"It's impossible! Prince Kanefer has stationed guards all around the perimeter, and even within the temple grounds. No one can sneak in and out without being noticed."

"That's your problem, not mine. We know you're working for the High Priest, and I'm sure you know whose side the High Priest is on. If Kanefer wins, what do you think will become of you?"

Sef pursed his thin lips together in a hard line, brows furrowing in distress. After a moment's pause, he finally relented, shoulders sagging.

"There might be a way," he said.


Kha and Mereneith stared at the wild zilla and shamwa shrubbery that lined the foot of the temple wall at its northern wing. A guard had just completed his patrol past this section of the perimeter and was about to turn the corner to continue on his way.

"The hole is right there, behind those bushes" Sef whispered, pointing towards the wall. "You'll have to hurry, because the next patrol will be here in minutes. Once you're inside, hide in the nearest grain store. I'll let you know when it's safe to come out."

That said, the junior priest slipped away while the duo crept briskly towards the supposed "hole" that he had pointed them to.

When they reached the bushes and their entry point came into view, Kha stared at it in dismay.

"T-t-that's a dog hole," he said.

"Hurry up. You heard what Sef said. The guards will be here again any minute."

"I can't crawl through a dog hole!"

"Oh, so you'd rather die?" Mereneith grabbed the prince by the arm and yanked him down. "Follow me." She got on all fours and scrambled through the tiny opening, formed by erosion of the stone and persistent canine digging. Within the blink of an eye, she was already on the inside. She quickly surveyed the surroundings, then turned back towards the hole once she was certain there was no one around. "Hurry!" she scolded.

Moments later, the prince's reluctant head appeared through the hole, followed by the rest of him. He grimaced as he dusted away the sand and dirt from his cloak.

"If we live through this, don't tell anyone I ever climbed through this hole," he muttered.

"The grain store is over there."

Ignoring Kha's grumbles, Mereneith headed towards a small wooden shed that was located at the corner of the courtyard. They had entered into one of the temple's storage yards, which was rarely frequented at this time of night. It wasn't long before a few knocks came at the door—two short, two long, one short—the code that they had agreed upon.

The shoddy door creaked open and Sef's anxious face appeared. "Quick, follow me," he said, gesturing to them.

Mereneith and Kha slipped out behind the priest, and the trio made their way to Mereneith's cellar room, pausing every now and then to evade the patrolling guards. An air of disquiet and apprehension loomed upon every corner of the temple, and while priests still went about their evening chores, the fear hanging upon their countenances was clearly visible.

"Get what you need quickly," Sef whispered, shooing them down the narrow stairs when they arrived at their destination. "If you hear my whistle, find somewhere to hide."

Mereneith nodded, giving her thanks. She swiftly made her way down the stone steps, with Kha following behind. To their surprise, there was already someone waiting for them. In contrast to their dishevelled state, High Priest Tjethy looked as well put together as he always was—as if they were not in the midst of a coup.

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