Jennie: Well yeah you're right but, don't worry we're on a break for the meantime so, yeah I kinda have some heart problem too. What's yours? 

V: Okay, I need beers and that will fit these problems!  Let's get inside........ in my office. (Hopped off his car and closed then walk slowly) 

Jennie: (following V) Well, good for you. I can't drink right now. I'm kinda not really feeling well. That's why I came here to tell you that I'm not going to work for tonight and a few days I think. 

V: Oh sorry for that. You can come home now. 

Jennie: No it's fine. You need someone to talk to. I can still manage myself. Just some headaches. 

V: Thanks Jennie. I owed you dinner or lunch. Just tell me when. Don't worry about your leave, I will still pay you whole. 

Jennie: For real? Thanks but, you don't need to do that V. I believe I'm doing this because, we're friends?

V: Of course we're friends but, you're not supposed to be here because you're not feeling well. You should be resting now and yet you're here beside me comforting my as$? You deserve a payment. So stop arguing regarding this matter and just let me pour these beers inside me! 

And with that? V drinks all the beers in front of us not minding the headaches he will have later! We just talked about his broken gay heart. Yeah he's a total gay! 

Jennie: I never thought of you being this gayest among gays! Haha. 

V: Dooonnnn't laugh at meee! You're a gaaaay too! 

Jennie: Arasso, Arasso! I just... you know ahmmm kinda see you as a real man. You don't have any idea how my coworkers drooling over you then here you are a total b|tch as$ gay?!!  Drinking and crying over your non-responding boyfie! Like....... for real?!! Hahaha. 

V: Y-yeaaahhh laugh all you want right now! I bet you're gonna cry later!!! You b|tch! .

Jennie: So.... Have you reached out to him in any way? I mean, did you go to his place or somewhere he could be staying? 

V: Well, not yet and I guess that's a good idea! I will go to his place after this! (Said tipsy) 

Jennie: You're so gay you know that?! Instead of reaching him first? You're here drinking beers?! Aishhh. If I were you? I probably went somewhere to find out what's going on. 

V: Actually you're right! I think I'm just not  used to being ignored like this. He never does this to me. 

Jennie: Stop drinking now and let's go to his place. I will just be beside you so you don't have to worry. 

V: Why are you so kind to me, Jennie? Thanks anyway, let's just go. I need someone beside me. Thanks a lot Jen. (Hug Jennie and almost slipped) oops sorry. 

Jennie: Don't tell me you're drunk already?! Hahaha what a gay! Hahahaha 

V: I can still manaaaage okay?! Aishhh. Let's go. Just help me walk a little. I will call my driver because I don't drive when I drink. He's just around the area so yeah let's gooo. 

I nodded and helped him walk. Tssss! He said he can still manage but, look at this gay! He can't even walk straight! We almost stumbled! 

Thankfully, his car arrived immediately and he told the driver the address then drove away. 

We're already outside the building and when we were about to go I was shocked to see Lisa's car in the dark part of the parking lot. I got nervous and I'm 100% sure that she's fuming mad right now. I sighed deeply. I told V that Lisa's car was here when we were in the lobby and he said I can go now. Good thing that the driver is still outside and I can't see Lisa's car anymore. I asked if I could borrow the car keys and he could help V inside then V signaled him to let me. I bowed to them before hopping in the car and drove to chase Lisa. 

Jennie: (calling Lisa's number) Come on! Answer the phone Manoban! 

She didn't answer any of my calls! I saw her car and as I accelerated she accelerated too. 

Jennie: Sh|t!! She's too fast! I know what's running in her head right now. I know she's mad. I need to explain! Do I? Oh Gosh! Come on Lisa! Answer me! 

I kept calling her but she didn't even bother to answer. I got shocked and nervous at the same time when suddenly a car appeared on Lisa's side. I can see Lisa's car spinning slowly and I'm glad she made it to the shoulder safe and sound! I immediately ran to her car and knocked continuously. She's unconscious and I can't help myself not to cry. I called for help and a few minutes later an ambulance came and helped me to get Lisa inside and checked her. The paramedic said she's not injured and just fainted. I want to make sure that she's fine so I asked them to bring her to the nearest hospital. I was crying and I suddenly felt my world spinning. The last thing I heard was the paramedics asking me if I'm okay. I just nodded but suddenly everything turned black! 


A: Thank yousss! x 1.17 🥰💓



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