Serena: Weak Duelist

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(A/N: For Serena stories, I will have the Male Reader, Y/n (Your Name), use a Predaplant Deck with Starving Venom Fusion Dragon as his ace, just like Yuri's deck. Enjoy!)

(Your POV)

Serena: My Lunalight Cat Dancer will attack!!

You: Ahhh!!!

"Lunalight Cat Dancer attacked Y/n directly, making him fall back and putting his Life Points way passed 0"

Your LP: 100 ---> 0

(Winner: Serena)

You: Ugh...

As the field starts to clear from our duel, I managed to sit up, only to see in front of me my opponent, Serena. She has a very disappointed look on her face.

Serena: Geez, you and your stupid Predaplants are so weak.

You: They're not stupid!

Serena: Whatever, you only fusion summoned once as I was able to Fusion summon 3 times, my Leo Dancer, my Sabre Dancer and my Cat Dancer made an appearance in this 7 Turn duel.

You: (Sigh) I just had a bad hand, okay?

Serena: You say that all the time Y/n... I swear, if we lose this tag team duel we have assigned to us for tomorrow, I'm gonna lose it with you.

You: ...

Serena and I have been chosen, for tomorrow's assembly, to have a tag team duel against these other 2 people that uses epic fusion decks. We were given notice of this a week prior and we've been practicing since knowing Serena, she hates losing in front of a crowd. But I've been disappointing her every duel we had for our upcoming duel.

You: I'm sorry...

I look down, upset that I continuously keep disappointing my partner.

Serena: (Sigh) Whatever. Just... Be ready for tomorrow... I'm going home.

Serena starts to walk away but I quickly get back on my feet after remembering that I wanted to ask her something after today.

You: Wait!

She stops walking and turns around.

Serena: Yes?

You: So... Homecoming is at the end of this month...

Serena: And what? You want to take me?

You: Um... If you don't have anything planned... I'd love to...

I blush a bit after saying that. Honestly, I've had a small crush on her ever since I met her. She's basically the only girl I talk to and she rarely makes any friends, so there couldn't be any one else trying to get at her. The only reason why I'm friends with her is because we were partnered and put together in class at the start of the year. And even though she's way out of my league, I still had to ask her to Homecoming and give it a shot.

Serena: (Sigh) If we win tomorrow's duel, then you can take me.

You: R-really?

Serena: I suppose.

You: Haha, yeah, okay cool! Sounds like a deal.

Serena: Now you got an incentive to win tomorrow. Better not waste this opportunity.

She walks away and I just smile.

You: We won't lose! Don't worry!

She finally leaves the dueling arena and I just smile to myself. If we win tomorrow's tag team duel, not only will I get a date to Homecoming but maybe a potential girlfriend. I look at my cards and say to myself,

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