31. Ignorance Is Bliss Until You Get Stabbed

Start from the beginning

"Shit, shit, shit! It can't be! It just can't!" Low curses could be heard as, at the back of the kitchen tent, a piece of tent cloth was slowly lifted. A moment later, the tiny form of Liam slipped inside and sidled through the shadows towards a chest in the corner, where the old cook had kept his recipes.

"If he's got evidence anywhere, it's got to be in there. It's got to be!"

Throwing the lid up, he dived headfirst into the chest. Pots, pans and bits of paper flew in all directions. When he had finally gone through everything and had double-checked while putting all of it back into place, the little fellow's shoulders finally sagged in relief.

"I knew it! I knew it! He doesn't have any evidence. He can't know. He can't—"

"Croak!" Polly the parrot announced. "Girl dressing up in men's clothes! Squawk! Dressing up in men's clothes!"

Liam's head whipped around to stare at the bird, his face white as a sheet.

The parrot cocked its head and gave him an innocent look. "Squawk? Polly wants a cookie!"

With a rather high-pitched squeal, Liam whirled around and dashed out the tent.


"Are you sure about this?"

We were standing on a rocky ledge, hidden behind a clump of wind-blown bushes. It was only an hour before our departure. Mr Ambrose had sneaked off with me to share a last few stolen moments before we embarked on our latest trip. And to convince me not to go, apparently.

I met his eyes. "Very sure."

"You know it will be dangerous!"

"More dangerous than tasting my cooking again?"

He considered this for a moment.

"A fair point. But..."


His eyes bored into mine for a long moment—then they swept down to my belly. And probably not because he was thinking about my amazing cooking again. The emotion in his cold, icy eyes...it tugged at my heart. And he knew it, the son of a bachelor!

I narrowed my eyes. "Don't give me that look, Mister! You found a safe way for me to take part in a raid the first time, didn't you? I'd bet a week's worth of wages that you can do it again!"

"I do not indulge in losing bets, Mr Linton."

"Ha! So you could do it!"

His silence was answer enough.

Taking a step forward, I gently poked his chest with my finger. "So...what is your plan?"

"What makes you so sure I already have a plan?"

I gave him a look. "I've been married to you for months now."

"Adequate point."

"So...your plan?"

"Simple, really." Mr Ambrose's eyes glittered coldly in a way that told me, no matter how simple the plan, it would be very effective. "You see...the first ship we plundered was attacked by town guards, not us. They never even saw a single pirate. And the next two vessels we attacked both went down, the crew never to be seen again."

"Which means...?"

The only answer I got was silence. And more silence. And...

And suddenly it clicked.

"Oh my God!" My eyes widened. "They have no clue, do they?"

He cocked his head. "Mr Linton?"

"Don't you play innocent with me, Mr Rikkard Ambrose! Your competitors! They have no clue their pet pirates have turned on them, haven't they?"

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