Clique-fast with Tiffany (Formation II)

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What the hell was I doing with a fucking ex-cheerleader that made me miss an important mall date!? I thought.
Was she out of her mind trying to convince me to be friends with her?

I'm only doing this clique thing so people could see me as a nice and forgiving person. But this isn't the real Ashlay Queen.

I managed to deal with Tiffany's ongoing thoughts about the clique throughout the whole period, painfully watching my friends have a good time. I wasn't listening to a word Tiffany said. I pretended to research stuff for our diorama and agreed to everything that came out of her mouth which was surrounded by ninty-nine cent lipstick. How fucking cheap.

I guess she was that stupid, especially with the lipstick.

Once the bell rang, we were dismissed. I grabbed my books and became Sonic. I ran out as fast as I could with my loose black flats, trying to escape Tiffany. I was too late.

"What's the rush?" She says to me nicely, without wondering why I ran out of the class with lightning speed.

"Oh, um, I just need to go see my girls, it's pretty urgent, especially if you're popular." I say to her as if I wasn't bragging.

"Ah, I understand. Well, I'll see you around." She calmly says to me, walking away toward the other direction.
Hell yes, I thought, won't be seeing that slut for the whole day.

I ran into Melissa and Britney while I was walking through the nearly empty halls.

"You cannot believe what happened during science." I say to the two girls, almost touching shoulder-to-shoulder.

"Tiffany asked you to be friends again?" Britney guessed.

"Exactly!" I cried.

"What did that whore say to you?" Melissa asked me with a concerning tone while Britney's eyes start to open up.

"She said to get over it and that we should be friends again." I say to her, rolling my eyes to match the mood of the conversation.

"And you said...?" Melissa asked. The girls looked at me as if I did something wrong, which I did. I wait a few moments until I finally blurt out my embarrassing answer.

"I said yes, okay!" I admit. The two girls gasp in shock.

"H-how could you?" Britney said calmly with shock while trembling and holding onto Melissa's arm.

"Ashlay, why would you let that bitch reenter your life just like that." Melissa said, raising her voice.

"Since pretty much everyone in the school knows about my incident between Bitchany, I decided to forgive her, so people could know how nice I am." I say with a plotting voice.

"Ashlay, I know there's something else you have to tell us. Come on, no shame here." Britney says.

"Okay, okay, okay, calm your tits Britney, I'll tell you."

I take a deep breath and swallow my saliva.

"I agreed to make a clique with her."

"Wh-wha-what?" Melissa said.

"I fucking knew it!" Britney said.

"How could you!" Melissa cried. The two girls probably lamented me.

"I'm only doing this clique thing so I could have a good reputation. I really want to be liked more. Can you two be part of the clique for me? Please?" I say desperately.

Melissa and Britney think about it for a few moments. "Yeah, I suppose we can do that." Melissa said while nodding her head.

"Because you're our friend, I guess." Britney says with a smooth voice.

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