💌I Love You💌

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Finney's POV:

I stayed the night at Y/n's after the fireworks. Her parents were so sweet about it too. All they asked was that she doesn't get pregnant. That comment did make me a little uncomfortable but they didn't have anything to worry about, we're literally 13.

  I looked away while Y/n got changed and she looked away when I changed. We got into her bed and I held her close. She laid her head on my chest and listened to my heart beat. I kissed her head and rubbed her back so she could fall asleep fast. "Thank you" She spoke in a sleepy tone. "For what, baby?" I asked in a hushed voice so I didn't wake her parents in the next room. "For coming to the show" she answered. "Oh.. that really wasn't a big deal." I reassured her. I kissed her head again and continued rubbing her back.

She fell asleep shortly but I couldn't sleep. I reached for her bedside table and grabbed the glass of water. I took a sip and then put it down.

   When the clock struck midnight I was still awake. My eyes were getting heavier and heavier. Soon I was asleep and the things that were bothering me slipped away.

Y/n's POV:

    I woke up in Finney's arms. He was sleeping still and his grip on me was insane. I finally got out of it and got up to use the bathroom.

   When I got back he was sitting up with his hands covering his face. "Finney? Are you alright?" I asked sleepily. He looked up at me and smiled. "Yea just rubbing my eyes" he said. "You sure?" I replied. "Yea." He answered. I sat down next to him and kisses his temple.

  "Y/n, do you think I could take you out later?" Finney asked. "Yeah. What time?" I answered. "Maybe 5:30?" He suggested. I nodded and he kissed me lightly on the lips.

   He got dressed in the bathroom and then he had to leave. I walked him to my front door and kissed him goodbye.


It was now 5:25 and I couldn't find anything to wear. My dress from yesterday was from Bruce a year back and I can't wear that again. The clock was ticking so loud it hurt my ears. "Mom! Do you have any dresses?!" I yelled from my room. I heard excited footsteps skid into my room. "I've been waiting for this moment since you were born!" My mom said. I turned to her and smiled as I saw a cute cyan dress. "Mom.. where did you get that?" I asked in disbelief. "I made it actually. And I saw the fabric at the store. You know. The one you said was cute and it was Finney's favorite color." She beamed. I gave her a hug and greatfuly accepted the dress. I put it on and heard the door bell.

"Shit!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

When I opened the door it revealed Finney Blake. He stood there wearing a button-up shirt with some jeans. "Wow.." he was taken aback by my outfit. "Hi!" I giggled at his reaction. He quickly pulled himself together and stood up straight, holding his hand out for me to take it. I took it happily and walked out the door. My mom shut the door behind me and yelled 'bye'. I waved at her and then continued walking with Finney.

"Where to, loverboy?" I asked ruffling his hair. "You'll see!" He replied giggling.

Before I knew it we were at a park that seemed secluded from society. I saw a radio and a picnic waiting for us. "Finney this is so cute!" I squealed. "Thanks" he said chuckling. We sat down and he gave me a sandwich to eat. I took it gently and started eating it.

After we ate he threw the garbage away and sat closer to me. He put an arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulder. The sun was setting in the background of all of this and it was very pretty.

Oh how I wanted to say 'I love you' so badly

Finney's POV:
Should I tell her now? Should I tell her I love her?

Y/n's POV:

I moved my head and looked into his eyes.

Finney's POV:

I looked down at her. "Y/n can I tell you something?" I asked

Y/n's POV:

"I was just about to ask to tell you something" I giggled.

Finney's POV:

"How about we say it at the same time?" I suggested. "I like that idea." She replied.


Y/n's POV:

"I love you!" I blurted out.

Finney's POV:

"I love you!" I blurted out at the same time as her.

Y/n's POV:

"Wait you do?" Finney asked. "Of course, weirdo!" I laughed as I pulled him in for a kiss. We separated for air after a few seconds. "I can't believe that Y/n L/n, loves me. And I love Y/n L/n!" He cheered as he pulled me onto him, falling onto his back.

   We uncontrollably started laughing. After a while we calmed down and he let me just lay on his chest calmly. The sun was set by now and I needed to get home. "Well we gotta get going" Finney said calmly while patting my back. "Nooo..." I spoke sleepily. "Y/n, baby. Your dad will kill me if you don't get home soon" he whined. "Fine. But you're staying over then!" I demanded. "Alright" he laughed.

   I helped him clean up and put the things away and then we started to walk home. I had my arms wrapped around Finney the entire walk home, and I had zero intention of letting go.

    We got in the house and we went to my room. I changed, he changed. Then we got into bed.

   I cuddled up to him closely and kisses his lips a few times. "Good night Y/n, I love you" Finney said with a smile. "Are you always gonna say that now?" I joked. "Do you have a problem with that, Mrs. Blake?" He asked fake offended. My eyes lit up instantly and it felt like they were sparkling. "Mrs. Blake!?" I beamed quietly. "Yes, one day." He chuckled. I kissed him on the lips deeply and started making out with him. This time we weren't interrupted by the grabber or his brother (R.I.P Max.). I pulled away after a few minutes. "Finney, I'm tired. For real this time" I giggled. "Ok. Good night, I love you" he repeated from earlier. "Good night. I love you too~" i cooed as I snuggled into him.

A/n: tell me why this took so long? Nvm. I owed y'all this chapter. Happy reading and I'm sorry for making y'all cry. I'll pay for your next therapy appointments. Xoxo GJ

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