Chapter 7

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"Due to the emergency nature, four Jujutsu Tech first-years were dispatched
to the scene, and one died."

-3rd POV-

"Our window verified the curse womb three
hours ago. Once go percent were successfully
evacuated, they made the call to seal off the
center. Citizens within a 500-meter radius have
been evacuated, as well." Said an older male
with glasses.

"Ijichi-san, question." Yuji said, raising his
hand, "What's a "window" here?"

"A window is a member of Jujutsu Tech who
can see curses. They aren't sorcerers, though."

"Oh, okay."

"Let's continue. Detainee Block 2. At present,
five detainees remain there with the curse
womb. If this curse womb is the type that
metamorphoses, we predict it will become a
special-grade cursed spirit." Ijichi said.

'Special-grade...' Thought Fushiguro, Y/n and

"This man is trying to kill us.." Y/n sighed as
she stared at the gloomy building with her

"Yes there's a special grade and there's no doubt
that other curses might have followed it into the

"What's a special grade?" Y/n facepalmed at
Yuji's question but it was understandable since
Gojo didn't explain this ahead of time.

"I'll be out on a business trip so don't mess up
on your first mission, don't expect a souvenir well maybe expect for Y/n-Chan~"

Ijichi sighed before explaining,
"I'll make this

Grade 4
Can be beaten with a wooden bat

Grade 3
be good with a pistol

Grade 2 (Semi Grade 2)
Cutting it close with a shotgun

• Grade 1 (Semi Grade 1)
Even a tank might be useless

Special Grade
Carpeting explosives such as cluster bomb
might work."

"If you're faced with the special grade, run away
or die. Do not engage-"

"Excuse me! Is my son Tadashi okay?!" Y/n
looked over at the mother. She looked panicked
and even tried to pass the police who were
blocking off the detention center.

"Please my son is in there!"

"Please ma'am stay behind the line it's not

Y/n walked over and put her hands on the
woman's shoulder.

"I'll save your son so don't worry and relax." She
smiled at her, lifting the weight on her shoulder
only slightly.

"T-Thank you." Y/n nodded and gave the woman a reassuring smile before heading into the building.


Y/n looked up at the tall ceiling with pipes
everywhere throughout the room. She walked
over to Megumi and leaned over to his ear.

"Do you think the special grade nearby?"
Megumi flinched and nodded, He was more
worried about the other two who seemed to be
panicking in their way.

"Imma go check it out." Y/n went up ahead
ignoring the others, she saw mutilated bodies all
over the floor making Muzan cover her eyes and turn her away. 'I think I'm going to throw up'

"This is brutal.." Kugisaki walked in with the
other two looking around the area. Muzan was keeping Y/n from throwing up while the others were looking around.

"Oh hey there are three bodies over here." They
both walked over and checked them out Yuji
stopped at one body, it was Tadashi the woman
who was trying past the guard's son.

"Let's take the body back.."

"We have to confirm that the other two are
dead, leave him" Y/n walked to the body taking
a small pocket knife she had.

"But we can't just leave him here!" They began
to argue even more with both of them getting
more pissed off at the other.

"knock it off! This isn't the time to-" Y/n tried to
reach for nobara but she had already sunken
into the ground.

'Stay on guard the special grade is near'

Y/n nods slightly "Shit!" Fushiguro tried to find his divine dog but it had been smashed into the wall with only its head poking out. At this point, even Y/n was panicking she wasn't sure what to do. 'Calm down'

"Y/n! Itadori! Run we'll look for Kugisaki after
we get away-" Fushiguro stopped when they all
felt that the special grade had shown up.

Yuji quickly moved to cut the special grade but
his hand cut sliced, Y/n summmoned upper moon 1's katana. She sprinted towards the special grade before slicing only one of its fingers off its hand.

"I sliced-" Y/n spoke too soon as she was met
face first with a punch from the curse.

She flew and smashed into the wall.

"Y/n! Sukuna If I die you die too. You don't
want that do you, Sukuna? Then help me!"

"I refuse."


"Even if I die here, I still other fragments. It's
your choice to switch but before I kill the curse,
I'll kill your two teammates and make the [h/c]
haired girl mine!"

Sukuna chuckled as Yuji wrapped a belt around
the slice to prevent himself from bleeding out.

"I won't let that happen!" Y/n was able to get up
after the impact of the wall but she hit her head
pretty hard that which caused the back of her
head to bleed.

"FOCUS ON THE CURSE!" Y/n yelled
out as the curse started to attack again, Y/n
regrouped with the others as she dodged the
curse's attacks.

"Fushiguro, Y/n I want you to find Kugisaki and
get out of here! I'll let sukuna out when you give
me the signal.."

"Are you crazy?!"

"Look at it, it's having fun and underestimating

"I can't leave you here!"

"Me neither-"

"Please." Yuji smiled at both of them, Fushiguro
gritted his teeth and ran off with Y/n who
currently was deciding if she should go back.
They ran down the hallway with Y/n stopping

"Y/n we have to go find Kugisaki we can't stop

"I like that fool too much let him die so I'll stay
with him."

Y/n quickly ran off before Fushiguro could
change her mind, Megumi stared blankly at the empty hallway. "Damn it that makes two fools to worry about!" Megumi kept running, quietly hoping for Y/n and Yuji's safety.

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