Chapter 1

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A yawn left your mouth as you woke up early in the morning

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A yawn left your mouth as you woke up early in the morning. Lifting your arms up to stretch and standing up as you began to prepare for school.

You did your morning routine and left the house without saying goodbye to your uncle 'it's not like he'll care anyway.' you thought and walked to school.

Quickly entering the school, the people began exchanging greetings with you. Reaching the lockers, you began taking your shoes off and opening a locker. Large amounts of love letters fall out making you sigh, it's not like you don't appreciate them it's just the fact that you weren't ready for a relationship. (Yet)

You put them in a neat stack and put them back in your locker, deciding to get them at the end of the day You quickly changed and walked towards your classroom. Opening the door and stepping inside, more greetings was exchanged while you were walking towards your seat. Beside itadori
Yuji, your best friend.

"Good morning Yuji!"

"oh! Y/n-chan! Good morning!"

"Are we going to the occult club today?"

"Of course y/n-chan!" Yuji smiled warmly at you and placed his hand on your head.

'Why is someone like him touching someone like you?' You sighed internally and responded to Muzan in your head 'we have been over this he's my best friend' you hear him scoff and mumble 'brat..' that was Muzan Kibutsuji you started hearing him at the age of 10, he has always been with you as well as the other moons.

"Y/n-Chan are you okay?" Yuji looked at you in concern, noticing you spaced out,"Oh! Sorry Yu-chan I must of spaced out I'm fine." You give him a soft smile and he smiled back

The class started.
(Time skip)
End of class

"Let's go to our club y/n-chan!"

You nodded and smiled, You then stood up and gathered your stuff and began to follow Yuji.

           [Occult Phenomenon research club]

You sat down next to Yuji at the table and watched them do their thing your not really into these type of things but you do like horror.

"Ready to go. Are you really sure, Sasaki-
senpai?" Yuji asked, the dark haired female. The said female focused as she stared at the table.

Yuji then turned to the other male next to him, "Iguchi-senpai?" Finally, looking at the you but noticed that you had spaced out, so he pat your head gently, which made you snap out of your thoughts and smile, Yuji chuckles. He then looked at the table, "Okay, here we go!"

"Spirits, spirits, please tell "Spirits, spirits, please tell us..which creature is the council president just barely weaker than?!" Yuji asked the spirits, Then the coin they had placed their finger on moved.

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