"Don't die. Otherwise, I will chase you to the ends of Hell and make you beg for death."

'How can you make someone beg for death if they are already dead?'

Although it sounded absurd, strangely, I was relieved by his words.

If I was in Edwin's embrace, I don't think even God would dare take me.

'Did I just experience a pain so severe that it's causing these insane thoughts?'

I don't know how it happened, but I think I am starting to favor that crazy guy.

I watched Edwin wielding his sword like a madman until my vision darkened.

* * * * * * *

The plan was perfect.

Angelina is unaware that the royal family is still hunting the Jueri.

But I planned to tell her.

Only then would she realize that the only place she needs to be is next to me.

It would be even better if her memories returned, or her abilities awakened.

Regardless, I have no intentions of informing the Crown Prince of Angelina's existence, seeing as that would put her in a position where her life would be endangered.

Therefore, if there was a threat, a controlled space would be needed to contain it.

Thus, the space I chose was Ambria.

A place where the Ravens were constantly monitored and often appeared.

In preparation for any unexpected variables, more knights than usual were sent in preparation for our arrival.

I wanted to use the Ravens to scare Angelina and have her cling to me, but nothing more.

That was the plan...

So, how did it turn out like this?

"Damn it," Edwin swore while fiercely swinging his sword.

Due to the heat, his body temperature rose, and sweat poured down his face.

There was something besides the madness seething inside of him.


Yes, it was anger.

Was it due to the Ravens, who were constantly reappearing despite being killed repeatedly, or was it his weak bride?

Regardless of the source, Edwin knew he had reached the point where the madness within was close to exploding.

"My Lord!"

Recognizing Edwin's instability, Beryl cuts down a Raven and quickly approached him.

"You must calm down."


Edwin held his sword with one hand and swept the hair from his face with the other.

'I can't lose my grip. My bride could die.'

If he lost his sanity, he would also lose the ability to recognize his bride, which would lead to a deadly situation.

Above all else, time was running out.

If he didn't find a way to remove Angelina's hand from the guardian tree soon, she will die.

Edwin recalled his feelings of surprise and delight when Angelina fell from the sky and landed in his arms, but on the other hand, he was also suspicious.

Marigold fell into the Yandere's armsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin